Kramer, Sibylle: all about Chalets Ein eleganter Band über exklusive Wohnrefugien vor der Kulisse majestätischer Gipfel, steiler Hänge und malerischer Täler mit Schwerpunkt auf Architektur und Innenarchitektur. |
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| WAS IST GUT 2023 Wie entwerfen wir wertschöpfende Dinge? Wie schaffen wir wertbasierte Lebenswelten? Wie gestalten wir wertschätzende Inhalte? Auch in der zweiten Ausgabe des DDC Design- Wettbewerbs ging es daru ... |
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| Guy Bourdin for Charles Jourdan A giant of modern fashion photography, Bourdin lent his surrealist eye to the shoes and fashions of Charles Jourdan. Creating compositions full of movement, color, and sensuality, this pioneering ... |
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Fadillioglu: Luxury Redefined A comprehensive look at Istanbul-based interior designer Zeynep Fadillioglu's most striking projects, from a modern minimalist mosque to the city's largest luxury hotel. |
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| Heiremans, Marc: SALIR - Studio Ars et Labor Industrie Riunite 1924 gründeten fünf junge Italiener das Studio Ars et Labor Industrie Riunite (SALIR), um die alte Kunst der Glasdekoration zu modernisieren: Giuseppe D'Alpaos, Decio Toso, Guglielmo Barbini, Di ... |
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| Conradt, Dirk-Michael: Audi 100 Coupé S Wenn die Legende stimmt, war das Audi 100 Coupé S ein persönliches Anliegen des damaligen Technischen Direktors Ludwig Kraus, der sich in den 60er-Jahren ein Coupé als Dienstwagen wünschte. Au ... |
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Kielwein, Matthias: Fahrradplakate Fahrradgschichte im Spiegel der Plakatkunst seit 1886. |
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| Mancoff, Debra.N: A Looking at Fashion What is an epaulette? What is a keffiyeh? These clothing items and hundreds more are entertainingly explained and vividly illustrated in this accessible guide. |
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| Davis, Erik: Blotter: The Untold Story of an Acid Medium A richly illustrated exploration of the history, art, and design of printed LSD blotter tabs. |
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German Standards 2024 Die interessantesten deutschen Industrieunternehmen versammelt in einem Buch. |
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| Roach, Law: How to Build a Fashion Icon Law Roach is the mastermind behind looks that have broken the Internet time and again - from Zendaya at the Met Gala to Anya Taylor-Joy at the Golden Globes, from Lewis Hamilton s iconic streetwea ... |
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| Laschet, Joe: Gentleman Bold Stil, Ausstrahlung und Smartness stecken in jedem von uns. Die richtige Kleidung ist der schönste Ausdruck davon. Wer seinen persönlichen Stil gefunden hat und ihn mit Überzeugung trägt, ist d ... |
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How Directors Dress "How Directors Dress" uses clothing to tell exciting new stories about directors, their lives, their movies, and the times in which they were made, featuring hundreds of incredible photos of what ... |
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| Donnanno, Antonio: Fashion Patternmaking Techniques for Menswear Patternmaking through a comprehensive presentation of both basic and elaborate techniques for menswear. |
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| Brooklyn Storefronts From the authors of NYC Storefronts comes a sprawling collection of intimately rendered shops that line the streets and sidewalks of the Big Apple's most populous borough. |
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Morris: The Story of his Life One of the most influential artists and thinkers of his time comes to life in this stunning graphic biography inspired by Morris' designs and filled with the colors and patterns that defined the A ... |
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| Bozek, Mark: The Battle of Versailles The first illustrated book to chronicle the dramatic 1973 face-off between French and American fashion designers, which left an indelible mark on the fashion industry, launched American designers ... |
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| Southern Interiors: A Celebration of Personal Style Visit the homes of designers, artists, and tastemakers across the southern United States in this celebration of gracious living and personal style. |
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Erzen, Jale N.: Scarpa: The Complete Buildings Featuring exquisite photographs of every structure the architect designed from scratch or incorporated into a historical building, this elegant volume is as sumptuous and inviting as a Scarpa inte ... |
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| Newman, Terry: Spice Girls and the Clothes They Wear Bestselling author Terry Newman celebrates the Spice Girls' iconic outfits from the early days to the present, ahead of their 30th anniversary. |
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| Colorful - Iris Apfel Dieses von Iris Apfel (1921-2024) zusammengestellte Buch enthält über 300 persönliche Photos und einzigartige, bislang unveröffentlichten Stoffmuster aus Iris' Old World Weaver's Collection. I ... |
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Silver, Cameron: Caftans: From Classical to Camp Join Cameron Silver, founder of LA's famous - and highly influential - vintage boutique Decades, leads a romp through the history and countless manifestations of the caftan, the world's most unive ... |
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