Livingstone, Karen: Women Pioneers of the Arts and Crafts Movement "Women Pioneers of the Arts and Crafts Movement" is a celebration of the work and ambition of the women who were at the heart of the most influential art and design movement of the late 19th and e ... |
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| Kaplan-Wajselbaum, Jonathan C: Jews in Suits Surviving photographs of Jewish Viennese men during the fin-de-siècle and interwar periods - both the renowned cultural luminaries and their many anonymous coreligionists - all share a striking s ... |
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| Monaco, Gérard Lo: Pop-Up Surrealism Produced in collaboration with the Centre Pompidou this magical book by pop-up engineer Gérard Lo Monaco brings to life eight works of art by leading surrealists: Salvador DalÃ, Victor Brauner, ... |
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!!! BÃœCHERMARKT !!!: Outside In A beautifully photographed homage to the connection between thoughtful design and the natural world. |
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| Stylepedia A complete illustrated guide of style tribes and fashion subculture from 1900s-2020s. |
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| Paulin: Glaskunst made in Augsburg Vorliegende Monographie gibt erstmals einen Überblick über Leben und Werk der bedeutenden Glaskünstlerin. Unterschiedliche Fachleute und Wissenschaftler behandeln die große Bandbreite ihres kà ... |
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Nike: Form Follows Motion - dt. Nike ist mehr als eine Marke, Nike ist eine Designkultur. Dieses Buch wirft erstmals einen detaillierten Blick auf das Design bei Nike - von den Anfängen in den 1960er Jahren bis zur aktuellen Zu ... |
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| Toromanoff, Agata; Toromanoff, Pierre: Catwalk Ein großartiger Fotoband, der Ihr Wohnzimmer zum Catwalk der berühmtesten Mode-Designer der Welt macht: In faszinierenden, großformatigen Fotografien lässt dieses exquisite Coffee Table Book d ... |
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| Costume Balls: Dressing Up History, 1870-1927 A beautiful record of the extravagant costume balls and skating carnivals that were once the pinnacle of society entertainments. |
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Bolsinger, Markus; Heidbrink, Gerhard; Staud, René: Das Uhlenhaut-Coupé Das wertvollste Auto der Welt. Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Die Schlagzeile ging 2022 durch alle Medien: Ein Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR, bekannt als das "Uhlenhaut-Coupé", wurde für 135 Millionen Euro versteigert und ist damit das teuerste Auto der Welt. |
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| Green, Martin; Stevenson, NJ: Outlaws: Fashion Renegades of 1980s London "Outlaws" dives into the anarchic energy of London's 1980s club scene, celebrating the avant-garde, experimental designs of Leigh Bowery and his fellow fashion renegades, including John Galliano, ... |
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| Dior: A New Look Fashion experts take a fresh look at more than 40 Dior creations and talk about the creators, wearers, technology, conservation, publicity, and important women for Dior. |
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Baring, Louise: Sozzani. Art, Life, Fashion Fashion magazine editor; gallerist, publisher and photography collector; founder of 10 Corso Como, the world's first concept store; founder of Fondazione Sozzani; creator of her own lifestyle bran ... |
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| Primack & Weissenberg: Love How You Live A decidedly global outlook best described as 'a punk take on preppy' brings passion and a playful spirit to AD100 designer Rodman Primack's projects. His work with his partner Rudy Weissenberg has ... |
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| Poesie des Ornaments: Backhausen-Archiv Das 1849 gegründete Unternehmen Joh. Backhausen & Söhne zählt zu den traditionsreichsten Möbel- und Dekorstoffproduzenten der Wiener Geschichte. Ab 1903 widmete sich das Unternehmen intensiv d ... |
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Caracciolo Chia, Marella: Bonacina: The Beauty of Rattan For more than 135 years, Bonacina has made rattan furniture famous and desirable through its presence in the most sophisticated residences worldwide. This book chronicles the firm s long history o ... |
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| Bulgari Aeterna With an encyclopedic spirit and its characteristic air for precious stones, Bvlgari reconstructs the aeternal history and fascination of Rome and the creative act in a dream in a new High Jewelry ... |
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| Andrew Martin Interior Design Vol. 28 Unter Liebhabern von Innenarchitektur und Design gibt es kaum ein Buch, das Jahr für Jahr so heiß erseht ist wie dieser wunderbare Bildband: Die Andrew Martin Interior Design Review ist mehr als ... |
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The Art of Gracie A glorious celebration of America s most storied handpainted wallpaper company, family owned for 125 years, featuring dozens of rooms by today s top interior designers. |
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| Barovier, Marino: Vetripedia Presented in three impressive volumes, this private collection of 1.000 masterpieces of Venetian glass includes works by thirty of the most influential artists, artisans, and studios from 1895-197 ... |
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| Bouroullec: Triptyque Ronan Bouroullec's first comprehensive monograph, bringing together his drawings, sculptures and ceramics, and design objects and projects. |
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An Opinionated Guide to London This is our love letter to the ludicrously lovely city of London: a simple, short but deliciously opinionated guide to our very favourite places to visit, whether your stay is for a weekend, or fo ... |
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| An Opinionated Guide to Berlin Here is our love letter to the ever-metamorphosing city of Berlin: a simple, short but deliciously opinionated guide to our very favourite places to visit, whether your stay is for a weekend, or f ... |
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| Ulrike Brückner, Bianca Herlo: Design als Haltung Design war in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten stark darauf ausgerichtet, Bedürfnisse zu wecken und Konsum anzukurbeln. Dieser Designbegriff entspringt dem Geist des Wirtschaftswunders und fand seinen ... |
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Through Witnessing Essays and lectures on design pedagogy from a group founded by faculty members of Pratt Institute. |
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| Ramstedt, Frida: Das Möbel-Handbuch Worauf sollte man beim Auswählen oder Umstellen von Möbeln besonders achten? Welche Maße und Details sind bei einem Möbelstück besonders wichtig? Wie arrangiert man verschieden große Stücke ... |
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| Africa's Fashion Diaspora Tracing the local and global impact of Black Diasporic designers, "Africa's Fashion Diaspora" is one of the first books to explore the diverse perspectives and significant roles that Black designe ... |
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