De Middel, Cristina: Cristina de Middel: Journey to the Center Cristina de Middel has been traveling for years with migrants on the train they call "the beast", interviewing sicarios (hired killers), talking for hours with "coyotes" (clandestine smugglers) an ... |
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| Analogue Images, Gardiner, Delvaux What is the role of contemporary photography in building space? Just where do the dialogues, tensions, and reciprocities between photography and architecture lie? Focusing on the practice of Austr ... |
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| Bobb-Willis: Keep the Kid Alive The first book by a definitive young fashion photographer, "Keep the Kid Alive" is Arielle Bobb-Willis's vivid statement about beauty, exuberance, and cathartic expression. |
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Bassiouni: New Swiss Views "New Swiss Views" is the sequel to New Dutch Views for which Marwan Bassiouni photographed the Dutch landscape from inside the prayer rooms of Islamic places of worship. Two years later, the artis ... |
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| Gill: Magnificent Failure Failure and accident - and one's attitude to them - are crucial parts of the creative process. As part of the process of printing on an offset press, paper is occasionally run through the press to ... |
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| Koudelka: Theatre "Moving among the actors on set, I was able to take the same scene, multiple times, but differently. It taught me how to get the most out of a given situation, and I have continued to apply this m ... |
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Killip: Skinningrove The village of Skinningrove lies on the North-East coast of England, hidden in a steep valley it veers away from the main road and faces out onto the North Sea. The photographs that Chris Killip m ... |
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| Photo Against the Machine Using works from the collection of the Maison Europeenne de la Photographie, Ann Massal (born 1977) engages an artificial intelligence chatbot in a dialogue on photography, asking it about the leg ... |
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| McGinley: Yearbook "Yearbook" represents a decade's worth of McGinley s nude studio portraits documenting his wild, vibrant community of artists and creatives. An exploration of personal identity and expanded notion ... |
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Salgado: Des oiseaux Sebastião Salgado s'est replongé dans ses archives personnelles afin de révéler les espèces rares d'oiseaux qu'il a photographiées depuis des décennies, sur terre ou en mer, dans des contrà ... |
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| Salgado: On Birds For this sixteenth title in the "Des oiseaux" collection, the great Brazilian photographer has plunged into his impressive archives to extract a selection of exceptional images celebrating a world ... |
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| Ernaux, Annie; Marie, Marc: The Use of Photography "The Use of Photography" recounts a passionate love affair between Annie Ernaux and the journalist and author Marc Marie, after the two met in January 2003 - an extraordinary meditation on erotici ... |
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Rappaport: Paul This book consists of a collection private photographs of missing pets. Embedded in search posters, printed on home printers, and partly protected by plastic covers, these announcements of lost ca ... |
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| Huguenot: Television Über ein Jahrzehnt beobachtete Sophie Huguenot die Inszenierung der tagesaktuellen Nachrichten von RTS Info, einem Rundfunksender in der französischsprachigen Schweiz. Die Arbeit mit der Großfo ... |
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| Berger, Maurice: Race Stories The first title in the new Vision & Justice series features a collection of award-winning essays by Maurice Berger that explore the intersections oh photography, race, and visual culture. |
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Mann: At Twelve - 30th Anniversary Edition "At Twelve" is Sally Mann's revealing, collective portrait of twelve-year old girls on the verge of adulthood. First published in 1988, this contemporary classic is now reissued with all-new repro ... |
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| Why Exhibit? 2: On Curating Photography A discussion on curatorial practices around photo-based images, centred on the current challenges faced by curators and artist working with photography. How do they navigate its constantly changin ... |
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| Hinz: EinBlick Der abschließende Band der Buchtrilogie über die Photographie des Hamburger Photographen Volker Hinz (1947-2019) widmet sich nach "Hello Again" (1021) und "Carrousel" (2023) dem Anfang seiner ph ... |
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Fotografieren, Reinartz: was ist Dirk Reinartz (1947-2004) war einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Photographen und Bildjournalisten. Seine Reportagephotographien wurden in Zeitschriften wie dem Stern oder dem ZEITmagazin publizier ... |
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| Ingrid Pollard: Hasselblad Award 2024 Eine Würdigung der diesjährigen Hasselblad Award-Preisträgerin Ingrid Pollard mit bahnbrechenden Arbeiten aus über vier Dekaden ihrer künstlerischen Laufbahn. ***** Celebrating Ingrid Pollard ... |
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| Paris: Diva in Grau - 3. Auflage 2024 Große Städte im Osten werden mit poetischen Namen wie Spreeathen oder Elbflorenz bezeichnet. Halle hingegen nannte man "die graue Diva". Den Ursprung dieses Namens kennen heute wohl nur noch jen ... |
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Lempert: Natural Sources - englisch* "Seit mehr als 35 Jahren bilden Jochen Lemperts Fotografien ein singuläres Werk innerhalb der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Geprägt ist der Blick des gelernten Biologen von einem fortwährenden Stau ... |
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| Owned by Others "Owned by Others: A Map to Possession Island" treads the interstices of the institutionally mummified city center that is Museum Island in Berlin. An embodied interrogation of colonial looting and ... |
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| Thomas-Graham: When Words Fail Eine Trauernde auf der Suche nach Licht in der Abenddämmerung von New York City. |
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Ordinary People: Photorealism Since 1968 This volume, "Ordinary People", recovers the social art history of the long-dismissed genre of photorealism and demonstrates the continued relevance of photorealist strategies for artists working ... |
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| Klee - Kandinsky: Briefwechsel Klee und Kandinsky - ihre Namen genießen Weltruhm, doch ihre Briefe sind bis heute unpubliziert geblieben. Die umfassende, reich bebilderte Edition, in der auch die Korrespondenz der Partnerinnen ... |
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| (Annual Report) Set against the backdrop of a renowned German art school, the stories in Annual Report capture the distorted reality of students and teachers seeking meaning in their art and their lives, entangle ... |
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July: Es findet dich Ein geniales Buch von einer der spannendsten Autorinnen und Künstlerinnen unserer Zeit. Lassen Sie sich mitnehmen in die Welt von Miranda July und wir versprechen Ihnen: Sie werden als ein andere ... |
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