Biasetton, Noemi: Superstorm The Superstorm is a conceptual and narrative metaphor to illustrate the evolution of the relationship between political communication and new media technologies, which culminated in the tempestuou ... |
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| Ovenden, Mark: Transit Maps Berlin, New York, Mexiko City, Doha: Eine visuell faszinierende Reise durch 50 der spannendsten Städte weltweit - mit der Metro, S-Bahn, U-Bahn und Tram. 160 Jahre Geschichte des Schienenverkehrs ... |
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| Haegue Yang: The Cone of Concern "Haegue Yang: The Cone of Concern" erscheint anläßlich der Ausstellung der koreanischen Künstlerin im Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst und Design in Manila. Die konzeptuellen Arbeiten der in ... |
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Krishnamurthy: Past Words A three-part book reflecting on exhibitions, time, display, and writing, taking an anthology of texts and interviews by designer and curator Prem Krishnamurthy as its starting point / Writings by ... |
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| Glossary of Undisciplined Design - 2nd ed. 2024 D for Dummy Woman, M for Monster's Tools, S for Style Defense, U for Unstable Signs - eine feministische Auseinandersetzung mit Graphic Design, dessen dogmatischen Regeln, diskriminierenden Strukt ... |
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| Burton: Designing Worlds "Tim Burton: Designing Worlds" will be the first publication to explore the relationship between Tim Burton's cinematic creations and the world of design. The catalogue will unpack Tim Burton's di ... |
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The Palladio Method Reflecting on Palladio's method(s) beyond historism and style provides insights into design and building in our time. |
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| Kuroda, Kentaro: The Succulents Design Book Container Combinations That Look Great and Thrive ... The 36 combinations presented provide design ideas for every type of space and decor. Each arrangement will thrive and look good throughout the year since the not only the shapes, sizes and colors ... |
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| Tara: Then and Now, Here and There "Tara" - litauisch für Behälter oder Verpackung -, so nannten die Grafikgestalterinnen und -gestalter, die im Experimentellen Büro für Verpackungsdesign arbeiteten, ihren Arbeitsplatz. Eingeri ... |
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Stojanovic, Djordje: Architecture for Housing "Architecture for Housing" erörtert wie sich der Wohnungsbau mit Hilfe architektonischer Gestaltung verbessern läßt. Die Untersuchung umfasst 14 innovative Projekte, die für unterschiedliche k ... |
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| Hollander: The Landscape of Home From AD100 landscape architect Edmund Hollander, a collection of spectacular projects celebrating the way we live outdoors, from pastoral retreats to seaside escapes to rooftop refuges. |
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| Territorial Urbanism Now! Was, wenn die unbebaute Umwelt im Städtebau an erster Stelle stünde, anstatt nur mitgedacht zu werden? "Territorial Urbanism Now!" fordert einen Paradigmenwechsel in der Konzeption urbaner Trans ... |
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The Complete Commercial Artist A revelatory, beautifully produced compendium of the influential Japanese commercial design journal, with posters, billboards, shop window displays and more. |
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| Huyghe: Liminal Punta della Dogana invites Pierre Huyghe to conceive, together with curator Anne Stenne, a new exhibition featuring a large group of works, including a selection from the Pinault Collection. |
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| Bradbury, Dominic: South Bank: Architecture & Design Architecture and design specialist Dominic Bradbury draws back the curtain on the iconic South Bank, providing an unrivalled insight into the buildings that populate one of London's epicentres of ... |
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Dwiggins: A Life in Design "A book to spend a year with... Dwiggins did more to promote, diversify, and integrate the graphic, typographic, and printing-arts disciplines than anyone of his generation." Steven Heller, design ... |
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| Ten Duis, Leonie: Gert Dumbar, Gentleman Maverick of Dutch Design Born in 1940, Gert Dumbar is one of the most influential and colourful graphic designers in the post-war design field, both in the Netherlands and abroad. He produced a vast amount of work for an ... |
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| Laatz, Ute: Pools: Planung, Technik und Design Alle Aspekte der Poolgestaltung und -pflege, von der Auswahl des Standorts, Formen und Materialien bis zur Integration in den Garten oder die Terrasse: 30 Projekte der besten Poolhersteller. |
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LAN - 29 Projects Im Buch gezeigte Bauten von LAN: Wohnbau Neue Hamburger Terrassen, Hamburg Grundschule mit Sporthalle, Leipzig Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées, Paris Grande MAXXI, Rom Théâtre du Maillon, Stra ... |
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| Gayford, Martin: David Hockney und wie er die Welt sieht Das Buch versammelt Zitate von Hockney selbst und bettet diese in seine Farb- und Bildwelt ein. Sein langjähriger Weggefährte und erfolgreiche Autor Martin Gayford stellt diese Zitatsammlung zus ... |
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| Creative Book Design Book design is not only integrating text, graphics, color and other content, but also expressing a unique sense of design, so to perfectly present the book content and design form and to enhance t ... |
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Mashio: Wellblech Bilder In Seto (Japan) lebte die Künstlerin Kaoli Mashio zehn Monate als Malerin und Hausfrau in relativer Abgeschiedenheit. Ihre Wahrnehmung der vergessenen Industriestadt für Keramikproduktion bestim ... |
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| Minsuk Cho: Serpentine Pavilion 2024 Eine Einführung in den 23. Serpentine Pavilion, vom südkoreanischen Architekten Minsuk Cho als Archipel von fünf um eine zentrale Leerstelle herum gruppierte Inseln gestaltet. ***** An introduc ... |
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| Graphic Waves Graphic Design is an essential facet of the music industry. Over the last few years, music has become more visual than ever. With access to music at an all-time high and attention spans at an all- ... |
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Debenedetti, Ana: Botticelli: Artist and Designer A vivid account of the life and work of Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli. |
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| Caldwell, Cath: Editorial Design - 3rd edition 2024 Indispensable and enlightening guide to the latest processes of editorial design for print and digital formats - now in revised and enlarged edition. |
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| Digital Witness An essential primer on the history of Photoshop and other tools of digital image manipulation, from the 1970s through to the current day. |
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