Retail Design International 8 |
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| Riding In The Wild Der Wunsch, mit dem Motorrad zu verreisen, abseits der Autobahnen neue Landschaften zu entdecken und andere Kulturen kennenzulernen, ist aktueller denn je. |
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| Tahilani: Journey to India Modern A sumptuous catalogue celebrating the "Karl Lagerfeld of India", famed for combining traditional Indian textiles with modern, Westerninfluencedsilhouettes. |
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Ghini, Antonio: Lamborghini - updated. edition 2023 This official book is dedicated to the history of the Italian car brand founded in Sant Agata Bolognese in 1963 by Ferruccio Lamborghini - now in an updated edition- |
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| Reed: Fluid - A Fashion Revolution Influential designer Harris Reed explores the world of gender-defying fashion in this richly illustrated monograph. |
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| Thümmel, Erika: Die Substanz der Räume Nach ihrer "Geschichte der Szenografie" (erschienen 2021) nimmt sich die Autorin nun der Werkstoffe an, aus denen man für die Materialisierung von Ausstellungen wählen kann. In der systematische ... |
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Chan, Sau Fong: Chinese Dress in Detail A head-to-toe exploration of Chinese dress through sumptuous, detailed photography of some of the most fascinating historic and contemporary pieces in the V&A's outstanding collection. |
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| Gillen, John Leo: Temporary Pleasure: Nightclub Architecture This unique, visually exciting look at the evolution of nightclubs across America and Europe since the 1960s reveals an unwavering truth about club culture-the one constant is change. |
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| Tracing Wiener Werkstätte Textiles Das Buch präsentiert neue Forschungsergebnisse und Archivfunde zum Textil- und Modedesign der Wiener Werkstätte (1903-1932). Die Publikation untersucht Arbeiten wenig beachteter Textilkünstleri ... |
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Prempeh, Charlene: Now You See Me: Black Design Previously marginalized, overlooked, or even erased from history, Black designers are finally given their due in this first book to celebrate a century of groundbreaking work by Black graphic arti ... |
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| Simons, Katrin: Thonet 1930 1930 bot die Firma Thonet deutsche und französische Stahlrohrmöbel erstmals in einem gemeinsamen Verkaufskatalog an. Die Untersuchung behandelt die unterschiedlichen, von Bauhaus, französischer ... |
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| Bäumer: 30 Years of Art "Bäumer: 30 Years of Art" is a superb coffee table book celebrating the renowned jeweler's three decades of creativity with emblematic and iconic works of art such as Princess Charlene's tiara, t ... |
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Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty This first complete investigation into Karl Lagerfeld's (1933-2019) artistry explores his extraordinary sixty-five-year career, from the designs for Chloé and Fendi in the 1960s and 1970s to his ... |
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| Mode et sport: d'un podium à l'autre Le catalogue accompagne une grande exposition explorant les liens inattendus et fascinants qui unissent la mode et le sport, à l occasion des Jeux Olympiques de 2024 à Paris. |
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| Printable PRINTABLE is a stunning showcase of familiar and innovative methods that elevate printed matter for branding and beyond. |
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Park, Nani; Fouser, Robert J: Inside the Korean House A rare glimpse into Korean hanok, Inside the Korean House takes readers on an unprecedented tour through the modern interiors of twelve magnificent tradional homes. |
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| Van Herpen: Sculpting the Senses Sculpting the Senses offers an overview of Iris van Herpen's work from the past 16 years showing not only her the most iconic designs, but also exploring on a deeper level her forward-looking visi ... |
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| Codognato Masterpiece Casa Codognato, established by Simeone Codognato in 1866, near Piazza San Marco in Venice, became renowned for its memento mori designs, while Attilio Codognato introduced ancient intaglios and ca ... |
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Warehouse Home - paperback A global overview of the most contemporary and ingenious - and comfortable - former light-industrial spaces transformed into stylish modern residences - now published as paperback. |
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| Feet of Clay Curator, art historian, writer Chus Martínez and writer and curator Filipa Ramos bring together a group of artists who have been using clay, pottery and ceramics to imagine, project and shape the ... |
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| Ka, Olivier; Alline, Christophe: Des papillons dans la nuit Un enfant narrateur emmène le jeune lecteur dans le secret de ses nuits, à la rencontre de ses pensées et de ses rêves. Un texte poétique et musical qui évoque la puissance de l'imaginaire, ... |
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Eames & Vitra - dt. Das Gesamtwerk des amerikanischen Designerpaares Charles und Ray Eames, das neben Architektur, Innenarchitektur und Ausstellungen auch bildende Kunst, Spielzeug und Film umfasst, ist von erstaunli ... |
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| Ralph Lauren A Way of Living A stunning celebration of Ralph Lauren's signature home collections - including the designer's own homes - which have inspired the world of interior design for nearly half a century. |
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| Teller: i need to live Throughout his 35-year career, Juergen Teller has been renowned for his non-conformist style, defying expectations with a unique combination of seriousness and self-irony, creating authentic narra ... |
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Women Dressing Women Exploring the enduring impact of fashions created by and for women, this book traces a historical and conceptual lineage across more than 70 female designers- from unidentified dressmakers in eigh ... |
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| Munari: the artist As a designer, artist, pedagogue, graphic designer, Bruno Munari is renowned for having helped to foster the permeability of the frontiers between artistic languages which during Modernism were re ... |
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