Orkin: Women Ihr "American Girl in Italy" - die Straßenszene mit den pfeifenden Italienern - ist eine Ikone. Nun sind sensationelle Negative und Dias aus dem Archiv aufgetaucht, die eine wenig bekannte Seite ... |
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| Marks, Ann: Das Leben der Vivian Maier In ihrer sorgfältig recherchierten Biographie nähert sich Ann Marks einer Frau, die vor der elterlichen Zurückweisung, vor Gewalterfahrungen, vor den Sucht- und Geisteskrankheiten ihr Familie g ... |
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| Der konstruierende Blick Photographien entwerfen Architektur: beim Testen einer Ansicht im Modell, als Elemente in Collagen, als Aufzeichnungsmedium in Versuchen oder als Quellensammlungen der Inspiration. Photographien u ... |
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Moriyama: Record 54 For number 54, of Dario Moriyama's ongoing "Record" series, he photographed in locations in and around Tokyo, including snapshots of street scenes, passersby and tourists, desolate-looking buildin ... |
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| Brox+1: Berlin Possibility - Erfolgsausgabe Der Photoband "BERLIN POSSIBILITY" des Photographen Christian Brox zeigt Berlin im utopischen Ausnahmezustand der 1990er Jahre. Jeder leere Laden, jeder leere Keller bot die Möglichkeit für eine ... |
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| Factory Photobooks Massive factory halls, dirty overalls, spinning gears and smoking chimneys: Factory Photobooks is the definitive overview of an extraordinary photobook genre. Factory photobooks were commissioned ... |
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Fukase: Private Scenes "Private Scenes" presents the entire eponymous series for the first time, revealing a new dimension in the work of Masahisa Fukase (1934-2012): the artist struggling with his medium. The series is ... |
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| Adugna Eticha: Black in Berlin "Black in Berlin" zeigt eine Auswahl von Portraits der Schwarzen Diaspora in Berlin: Von der Autorin über den Opernsänger, die alleinerziehende Büroangestellte und den Rentner verleiht dieses B ... |
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| Meyerowitz: A Question of Colour Traces a key turning point in the history of photography: the young Joel Meyerowitz's early experiments in colour photography. |
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Les vies des documents - la photographie en tant que projet Wie wählen, ordnen und zeigen Photographinnen und Photographen ihre eigenen Photographien? Der Katalog untersucht die zeitgenössische Rolle der Photographie im Studium und in der Architekturprax ... |
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| Teller: i need to live Throughout his 35-year career, Juergen Teller has been renowned for his non-conformist style, defying expectations with a unique combination of seriousness and self-irony, creating authentic narra ... |
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| Wüst: Wandern in Geschichte Die scheinbar lapidaren, höchst präzise komponierten Bilder von Ulrich Wüst sind Ergebnis langer visueller Wanderungen in gegenwärtigen Orten der jüngsten Geschichte. |
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Lange: Sand. The Transformatrion of Berlin "Sand. The Transformation of Berlin" is a unique documentary project about a city in transition. Many of the few remaining inner-city wastelands and temporarily used spaces that were characteristi ... |
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| Bey: Elegy Dawoud Bey focuses on the landscape to create a portrait of the early American presence in the United States. |
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| A World in Common: African Photography A celebration of the visual and cultural landscape of contemporary African photography, this stunning exhibition book offers critical insight from the perspectives of Africa's leading artists and ... |
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Horn: To Place XI: Mother, Wonder In the south of Iceland is Landbrot, whose geologic particulars present a unique landscape. It is a place closer to fairy tales than to science, indeed a place easy to imagine as the singular sour ... |
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| Silva: Napoli A photographic exploration of the architecture, history and people of Naples at the time of the fervent Scudetto celebrations. |
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| Van Denderen: En Route A retrospective exhibition on Dutch documentary photographer Ed van Denderen whose work is primarily focused on apartheid, migration, and geopolitical conflicts. Initially narrative and later more ... |
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Youkilis: Somewhere 2017-2023 Sam Youkilis's immediate and generous indexing of everyday life reaches across space and time in his debut monograph - a 528-page typology of human experience. |
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| Moriyama: Shashin Jidai 1981-1988 The publication "Shashin Jidai 1981-1988" by renowned Japanese photographer Daido Moriyama features his serialized photo-essay Hikari to Kage (Light and Shadow) in the first issues of the magazine ... |
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| Vollmann: Shadows of Love 1: Photographs In this landmark collection, William T. Vollmann offers a kaleidoscopic retrospective of the visual artwork he has produced over four decades, with new commentary from Vollmann on his process, ins ... |
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Fazio, Nichole J.: Cameron: A Poetry of Photography Drawing on over 100 items from the photographic collections at the Bodleian Library and Ashmolean Museum at the University of Oxford, as well as comparative works of art, this book celebrates a co ... |
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| Boulos: What's Ours In her debut monograph, Myriam Boulos casts an unflinching eye on the revolution that began in Lebanon in 2019 with protests against government corruption and austerity - culminating with the afte ... |
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| Zanetti: Eine fotografische Zeitreise Aus ihrem Leben als engagierte Photographin zeigen und erzählen die Bilder von Pia Zanetti im vorliegenden Buch eine Biographie in unzähligen Reisen. Hartnäckig behauptete sie sich in einer Dom ... |
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Zaidi: North Korea Seit Januar 2020 hat Nordkorea seine Grenzen für Ausländer geschlossen. Doch schon zuvor war es aufgrund des Verbots unautorisierter Aufnahmen und strenger Kontrollen durch das Regime äußerst ... |
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