Ennekens, Katherine: Intérieurs de magasins 40 beautiful, authentic shop interiors in Belgium from 1875 onweards in words and photos. |
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| Designer's Next A carefully curated collection of 21 promising architects, interior architects, and designers from all over the world. |
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| Ordnungen des sozialen Raumes Die Autoren des Bandes untersuchen die Stadtviertel u.a. von Florenz, Venedig und Neapel in ihrer gesellschaftlichen Funktion und Bedeutung. Anhand von historischen Dokumenten, Karten, Stichen und ... |
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Newman, Terry: The Lookbook: Harry Styles |
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| Design für Spiel, Spaß, Spannung Hochaktueller Band zu Themen wie Game Design oder Spielzeuggestaltung. |
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| Most Touched - 1000 Türgriffe aus aller Welt "Most Touched" ist die bislang umfangreichste Photosammlung von Türgriffen in Buchform. Mehr als 1.000 Exemplare trug die Design- und Architekturexpertin Barbara Glasner in jahrelanger Arbeit zus ... |
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Wood, Simon: World's Greatest Sneaker Collectors Sneakersammeln ist eine Kunst für sich. Wer es ernst meint, überläßt den nächsten großen Fang nicht dem Zufall. Sneaker Freaker öffnet jetzt die heiligen Schuhschränke und Trickkisten find ... |
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| Guinness, Daphne: Shoes A-Z: The Collection of The Museum at FIT Vorgestellt werden die sinnlichen, verspielten, einschüchternden und praktischen Modelle einer der besten Schuhsammlungen der Welt: Hunderte von wegweisenden Entwürfen, Photos und Skizzen so beg ... |
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| Farelly, Vincent; Martin, Jean-Baptiste: A Year in the French Style Maison Lescop, a historic residence in Port-Louis, Brittany, has conserved its original eighteenth-century decor that was conceived for a French importer for the East Indian trading company. Today ... |
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Media Architecture Compendium Vol. 2 Media architecture has evolved from illuminating iconic building facades at night to characterising all life in cities. This compendium draws on academic research and global studies to present an ... |
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| Seymour, Ellie: Grand Hotels of the World A journey through time and space to the 40 world's most iconic hotels, and a celebration of the splendour and majesty of these architectural gems and their rich cultural heritage. |
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| Experience & Event Design 2023/2024 Die erste "Experience & Event Design"-Ausgabe mit neuem Namen ist geprägt von einem aufwühlenden und aufregenden Jahr. Die Nachfrage nach Events und die Freude über echte Erlebnisse waren enorm ... |
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Champy: Stardust Der Franzose Claude Champy (geboren 1944) verbindet durch seine Keramik den Menschen mit dem Kosmos. In seinem Studio fusionieren mechanische, geologische, chemische Prozesse zum Gesamtkunstwerk K ... |
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| Kunststoff Zauberstoff An der Ulmer Hochschule für Gestaltung (1953-1968) wurde im Jahr 1959 eine Kunststoffwerkstatt eingerichtet. In dieser Zeit entwickelte sich der Beruf des Produktgestalters zu seiner heutigen For ... |
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| Dior - Bérard: A Cheerful Melancholy Christian Dior and Christian Bérard met at the end of the 1920s. They immediately became friends, nourished by elective affinities and an incredible complementarity. If Christian Dior marks his t ... |
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Dolce vita Dolce vita is a lifestyle, an aesthetic, an attitude, a mood. It's an inherently Italian way of life, reminiscent of Federico Fellini's 1961 film of the same name, which helped illustrate this ind ... |
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| | New York Chic Take a dream trip to New York City: This megalopolis, often daunting and overwhelming, has been intimately captured by the warm lens of Oliver Pilcher, presenting a view of the city that goes beyo ... |
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Bauhaus Style Discover the fascinating world of the Bauhaus, the most influential art school of the twentieth century, and its lasting impact on modern culture. From architecture and art to design, fashion, fil ... |
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| Nec Plus Ultra This lavishly presented coffee table book features 60 new residential projects with a focus on the beautiful use of natural stone. |
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| Exclusive Living in the Mountains This beautiful coffee table book showcases 17 new mountain chalets from all over Europe with all new photographs. |
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Mexico City We begin from above, a bird's-eye view. The vast landscape of Mexico City extends out below, barely contained by the surrounding mountains. The spirit of this enormous city, with over 22 million i ... |
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| AlUla Ever A travel destination unlike any other, AlUla is a breathtaking oasis in Saudi Arabia where ancient sites are placed in conversation with modern progress. A spectacularly preserved cultural and his ... |
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| Sicily Honor Explore the enchanting island of Sicily, known for its rich history, passion, and cultural diversity. From ancient legends to modern films, Sicily's influence is palpable and deeply ingrained in i ... |
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Byron Bay As the Travel Series' first stop in the incomparable country of Australia, Byron Bay invites readers to escape into a serene landscape-to forgo convention and reconnect with nature. |
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