It's Urgent! A Luma Project * Inspired by E. Glissaant HU Obrist is looking for mobile and more open exhibition formats, then the elitist art museums. These 153 posters by 127 artists are open source, can be copied and present ... |
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| Storr, Robert: Crumb's World R. Crumb's obsessions - from sex to the Bible, music, politics, and the vicissitudes and obscenities of daily life - are chronicled in this comprehensie book of work by the illustrious American co ... |
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| Quante, Michael; Lorenz, Ansgar: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel |
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Kumschick, Susanna: Tattoos zeigen Das Vergängliche ausstellen - Darstellungsformen von Tätowierungen und Best Practice von interdisziplinären Themenausstellungen im Kontext von Kunst, Design und Gesellschaft |
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| Büning, Christian: Zirkeltraining für die Augen Mit diesem Zirkeltraining für die Augen bringst Du Dein Augenmaß richtig in Schwung! 68 schweißtreibende Übungen in zwei Schwierigkeitsgraden fordern Deinen Adlerblick für Linie, Form, Farbe ... |
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| Bernardo: Be Water My Friend Inspiriert durch ein Interview mit Bruce Lee, in dem dieser auf einen Aspekt der taoistischen Philosophie verweist, nämlich dass Wasser uns »den Weg« lehren kann, begann der Grafikdesigner, Akt ... |
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Xoubanova: Graffiti Xoubanova s book evokes the urban artistic movement that appeared in the 1970s in New York, renowned for its egocentric and identity-affirming dimension. |
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| Futura: Futura-isms A collection of fascinating quotations from the legendary artist and graffiti pioneer. |
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| Altmann, Andy: tat*: Inspirational Graphic Ephemera Tat* is a bit of a graphic designer's curse. Walk into any design studio and you will see tat pinned to the walls or placed with loving care on top of a computer screen. Even the purist will have ... |
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Hillmann: Moving Pictures Zwischen 1954 und 1974 entwarf Hans Hillmann mehr als 150 Filmplakate für Filme von Jean-Luc Godard, Luis Buñuel, Alfred Hitchcock, Ingmar Bergman, Sergio Leone, Akira Kurosawa oder Orson Wells. ... |
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| Paulo, Joaquim: Jazz Covers Diese beeindruckende und innovative Sammlung von Jazzcovern präsentiert die Designs, die einen Sound definierten. Jedes hier abgedruckte Schallplattencover aus der Zeit zwischen den 1940ern und f ... |
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| Min, Anchee; Duo, Duo; Landsberger, Stefan R.: Chinese Propaganda Posters Landarbeiter, Fertigungsstraßen und lernwillige Schulkinder: Diese Veröffentlichung vereint seltene Schlüsselwerke aus Max Gottschalks riesiger Sammlung chinesischer Propagandaplakate, entstand ... |
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Woods, Paul: Sh*t They Didn't Tell You This straight-talking, fun book is aimed at fresh graduates planning a career in the creative industries. It gives them the tools to identify and navigate the right path. |
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| 10 Jahre plakat-sozial e.V. Über 500 Plakate aus mehr als 40 Ländern! In chronologischer Reihenfolge werden die ersten vier internationalen Plakatausstellungen 2010-2020 der Initiative "Plakat sozial" in Wort und Bild - in ... |
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| How to Design a Logo An array of logos representing the best design work in the medium are presented and analysed in this graphic designer's inspirational resource. |
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Joffe, Polina: Ode to Construction "Ode to Construction - Abstraction in the Digital Age" explores the intersections of graphic design and art through the means of generative code, gesturing playfully and melancholically towards th ... |
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| Maritime Logos A compilation of nautical logos, trademarks and symbols from around the world formed of maritime elements such as fish, water, boats, lighthouses, seabirds, anchors and mermaids. |
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| Refresh the Book "Refresh the Book" discusses the changing perceptions, functions, forms, as well as literary and artistic potential of the book in the digital age. |
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Artmonsky, Ruth; Webb, Brian: Kauffer's Covers Edward McKnight Kauffer, although an American, is considered one of the most important graphic designers in Britain in the first half of the 20th century. |
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| Dan Mitchell: Posters Diese erste Monographie von Dan Mitchell versammelt sämtliche Plakate und Flyer des britischen Ku?nstlers. Auf ebenso subversive wie kritische und humorvolle Art und Weise entwirft Mitchell Plaka ... |
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| Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher 2021 Die jährliche Wettbewerbsdokumentation der Stiftung Buchkunst: "Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher" und der "Förderpreis für junge Buchgestaltung" in Wort und Bild. |
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Harari, Yuval Noah: Sapiens A Graphic History 2 In "The Pillars of Civilisation", Yuval Noah Harari and his companions including Prof. Saraswati and Dr. Fiction travel the length and breadth of human history to investigate how the Agricultural ... |
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| Flora: Zeichnungen Magische Landschaften und mysteriöse Gestalten zählen ebenso zum motivischen Repertoire des prominenten Tiroler Künstlers Paul Flora (1922-2009) wie schwarze Raben oder skurrile menschliche Fig ... |
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| Biegman: Lichens in Dalmatia Flechten sind eine unauffällige Lebensform, die sich in zahllosen Formen und Farben manifestiert. Neben sauberer Luft und Sonnenlicht benötigen sie nur die Mineralien des Steins, auf dem sie leb ... |
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Vier5 Monograph - Retrospective The work of Vier5 is based on a classical notion of design. Design as the possibility of drafting and creating new, forward-looking images in the field of visual communication. A further focus of ... |
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| Hess, Megan: Dior: The Illustrated World Discover the key moments of Dior's fascinating life and iconic items from the fashion world that he created. Dior's love of flowers, creativity, femininity and good-luck charms were woven into eve ... |
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| Munari: The Tactile Workshops Do not touch! How many times do children hear this order? No one would ever say: do not look, do not listen, but touching is different. Evidently a lot of people think you can do without. |
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Marvel By Design - engl. This book explores the history of Marvel's visual language by dissecting the logos, layout templates, typography, covers, and other visual elements, as well as the influence it has had on graphic ... |
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