Burning Down the House Familie ist ein seltenes Thema in der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Feministische Ku?nstlerinnen haben ihre Rolle als Frauen, Versorgerinnen und Mu?tter thematisiert, eine kritische Auseinandersetzung ... |
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| Architecture Connecting "Architecture Connecting: Living Structures" is the first book accompanying a new exhibition series at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and presents three design studios with a diverse use of bi ... |
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| Gauguin's World "Gauguin's World: Tona iho, tona ao" offers a rare opportunity to experience the enduring art of French Post-Impressionist Paul Gauguin. Featuring some of his most recognised masterpieces, many of ... |
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Hockney and Piero: A Longer Look A celebration of the National Gallery's history of collaborating with contemporary artists, with a particular focus on David Hockney. |
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| Thrace and the Classical World In this volume, experts explore Thracian royal tombs, the Greek colonization of the Black Sea coast, Thracian religion, and more, placing Thracian culture dating from around 1200 BC to the end of ... |
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| Paper and Light This volume looks at the techniques and materials that artists have utilised since the Renaissance to create spectacular light effects in drawings. |
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The World in My Hand Seit seiner Erfindung im Jahr 2007 hat das Smartphone innerhalb kürzester Zeit weltweit unsere Kommunikation und Mediennutzung revolutioniert und ist zum unverzichtbaren Bestandteil unseres Leben ... |
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| Lumen: The Art and Science of Light, 800-1600 Sumptuously illustrated with dazzling objects, this publication explores the ways art and science worked hand in hand in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. With essays written by contributors from t ... |
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| Anna Weyant "Anna Weyant" unveils the artist's sharp-witted commentary on the representation of women in pop culture and the art historical canon. This book chronicles six years of Weyant's artistic output a ... |
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e.o. plauen: Die vergessenen Rosinen In diesem Begleitbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Valentin-Karlstadt-Musäum nähert sich der Künstler Steffen Haas Erich Ohser über dessen ausgewähltes Werk von mit dem Blick des Zeichner ... |
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| In Bewegung: Kulturerbe aus Benin in Schweizer Museen Dieser vielstimmige Sammelband befaßt sich mit dem Kulturerbe des vorkolonialen Königtums Benin auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Nigeria. Auch in Schweizer Museen befinden sich Objekte aus Benin. Neb ... |
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| Roberto Matta: Ca' Pesaro 2024 Taking as its starting point two extraordinary masterpieces by the artist conserved at Ca' Pesaro, the book sets out to illustrate his skills as a painter, while highlighting the breadth of his wo ... |
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Mayne: Youth This beautiful catalogue reassesses the work of acclaimed British photographer Roger Mayne (1929-2014), famous for his arresting street scenes capturing Britain's post-war youth. |
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| Rex Whistler: The Artist and His Patrons Focusing on the British virtuoso Rex Whistler (1905-1944), who was linked to many of the most illustrious figures of the inter-war period, this book explores an exceptional case of artistic patron ... |
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| Morales: Roll Down Like Water This vibrant catalogue showcases a decade's work by Memphis-based Peruvian-American photographer Andrea Morales (b. 1984), whose camera sympathetically delves into community life and activism in t ... |
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Nicholson: Cumbrian Rag Rugs Richly illustrated with colourful, quirky rag rugs (also known as hooked rugs), this delightful book examines Winifred Nicholson's relationship with the Cumbrian craft, the way in which she helped ... |
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| Irth: Unveiling the Narratives of Architectural Materiality This catalogue invites readers to dive deeper into the captivating dialogue between materiality and imagination, as envisioned by IRTH at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition - La Bienna ... |
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| Alicja Kwade@Sol LeWitt's Wall Von Alicja Kwade stammte die dritte Ausstellungsintervention in der Schau Sol LeWitt's Wall. Performed. Präzise geschliffene "Blaue Murmeln", die das Universum und das Menschsein hinterfragen, wu ... |
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Piacenza - Los Angeles: Archivio Lombardelli |
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| Girke: Arbeiten auf Papier |
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| Pre-Architectures - engl. Imagine a world without architecture, a world-tecture without arche, which means not only a beginning or origin, but also the authority to subordinate and organise people, things and processes in ... |
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Magnificence of Rococo: Kaendler's Figures Der Name Johann Joachim Kaendler (1706-1775) ist eng mit dem goldenen Zeitalter der Meissener Porzellanmanufaktur im 18. Jahrhundert verknüpft. Sein außergewöhnliches künstlerisches Talent, ve ... |
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| Inside Other Spaces Als raumgreifende, oft begehbare Kunstwerke laden Environments zu einem aktiven Ausstellungsbesuch ein und ermöglichen an der Schnittstelle von Kunst, Architektur und Design einzigartige, immersi ... |
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| Soft Power - niederl. - Bouwmeester Maître Architecte Brussel Looking back on ten years and two mandates of Kristiaan Borret as Bouwmeester Maître Architecte (BMA) in Brussels cannot be limited to describing the bricks that have been laid. Working on and li ... |
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Delvoye: L'ordre des choses 2024 vergab das Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève (MAH) zum vierten Mal eine Carte Blanche: an den belgischen Ku?nstler Wim Delvoye. Die Sammlung und Archive des Museums treten in Austausch mi ... |
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| Delvoye: The Order of Things 2024 vergab das Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève (MAH) zum vierten Mal eine Carte Blanche: an den belgischen Ku?nstler Wim Delvoye. Die Sammlung und Archive des Museums treten in Austausch mi ... |
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| Dean: Blind Folly In this book, curator Michelle White considers the unique and timely implications of how the artist Tacita Dean draws. Covering over three decades of work, from sweeping chalk landscapes to fleeti ... |
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