Panini, Augusto: The World in a Bead: Murano Glass An exciting incursion into the Murano Museum's glass bead collection, documented by over a thousand images that transmit the very material essence of every single bead. The collection now consists ... |
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| Wohl! Nun kann der Guß beginnen |
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| Köhler, Swantje: Wohnkultur 50er Jahre |
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Hauschke, Sven: Das Europäische Museum für Modernes Glas |
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| Tessuto e ricchezza a Firenze nel Trecento L'esposizione si concentra sull'importanza dell'arte tessile a Firenze nel Trecento, dal punto di vista economico, nel campo della produzione artistica e nei costumi della società del tempo. |
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| Becker, Vivienne: De Grisogono Fawaz Gruosi, the inspired visionary behind Swiss jeweler de Grisogno, has been rejuvenating the conventions of jewelry since 1993. |
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Prin, Remy: Ikats, tissus de vie L'ikat est un procédé de teinture sur fils avec réserves, ensuite utilisés pour réaliser un tissu. D'abord utilisé en Asie du Sud-Est, il s'est répandu par le monde islamique le long de la ... |
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| Joos, Karlheinz: Emailbemalte und gravierte volkstümliche Gläser |
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| Hilsbecher: DNA Signature |
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Textiles and Wealth in 14th Century Florence An exhibition on an issue that has always been very popular in Florence: luxury in fashion. The aim is to show the importance of textiles as an art form in 1300s, viewed from both an economic pers ... |
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| Die großen Manufakturen: Augarten Wien |
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| Italian Tin Signs 1890-1950 The volume traces the history of tin signs in Italy from their birth to their diffusion, from 1890 to 1950, using a selection of almost one thousand works. |
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Precious Paper: Paper Jewellery Design Published under the aegis of Comieco (National Consortium for the Reuse and Recycling of Cellulose-derived Packaging), this book showcases 21 splendid pieces of paper jewellery - created by renown ... |
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| Heros de fils et de bois Présentation des marionnettes de ces deux villes du Nord, tirées d'un répertoire varié de spectacles, des opéras comiques aux pièces historiques. L'ouvrage évoque également le vif succès ... |
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| Ferre: Under Another Light |
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| Gemstones in the first Millennium AD |
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| Jones, Kathryn: European Silver in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen This catalogue raisonné is the first study of this area of the Royal Collection for more than a hundred years. Extensive research has uncovered much new information relating to the European silve ... |
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Die italienischen Kleinbronzen |
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| Den Besten, Liesbeth; Veiteberg, Jorunn: Caroline Broadhead |
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| Aube, Sandra: Céramique dans l'architecture en Iran Une histoire de la céramique architecturale iranienne au XVe siècle, à travers l'étude d'une trentaine de décors, de Tabriz à Ispahan en passant par Yazd, le centre de l'Iran et les terres a ... |
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An-Sichten: Barocke Elfenbeinkunst |
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| Pretiosa Vitrea: The Art of Glass Manufacturing |
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| Lobmeyer Contemporary: Entwürfe seit 2000 |
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Le bleu des mers Les relations entre l'Extrême-Orient, l'Asie et l'Europe se sont intensifiées avec l'expansion européenne à la fin du XVe siècle. Cet ouvrage retrace la fascinante épopée des découvreurs p ... |
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| Der Mainzer Goldschmuck Die abenteuerliche Geschichte des Mainzer Goldschmucks, des wohl prominentesten mittelalterlichen Schmuckensembles in Deutschland, die Ergebnisse der technischen Untersuchungen und seine heutige I ... |
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| Le verre: Un Moyen Age inventif Ce catalogue présente la verrerie du Ve au XVe siècle: les techniques de fabrication, le vitrail, le verre de table, les verres à tige, les ateliers, la production de verre, les émaux, les act ... |
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Habsburg, Geza von: Faberge: Treasures of Imperial Russia A lavish volume on the most complete Fabergé collection in the world, with many pieces rarely seen before, from the famous imperial Easter eggs to precious jewelry, enamels, and Russian silver, s ... |
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