Fliegel, Stephen N.; Gertsman, Elina: Myth and Mystique: Cleveland's Gothic Table Fountain |
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| Mercey, Olivier de: L'heure de Vérité Une présentation de l'horloge astronomique de la cathédrale commandée par l'évêque de Beauvais, en 1865, à Auguste-Lucien Vérité. De nombreuses illustrations expliquent le fonctionnement d ... |
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| Neuer Schmuck aus Idar-Oberstein 6 |
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The Holiday Train Show This engaging book provides a behindthescenes glimpse of the seasonal magic of The New York Botanical Garden's annual Holiday Train Show. |
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| Fougner, Dave: The Manly Art of Knitting - dt. Der Kultklassiker nach vierzig Jahren endlich auf Deutsch erhältlich! |
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| Bourzat, Catherin: Tribal Textiles from Southwest China These exquisitely colourful, hand-woven textiles are highly prized by collectors and here for the first time is the most extensive collection of garments collected from tribes across southern Chin ... |
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Thinking Tools Wie entstehen Produkte, Dinge des täglichen Gebrauchs, die ihre Besitzer gerne benutzen und besonders wertschätzen, mit denen sie sich identifizieren? Dinge, die einen hohen Gebrauchswert haben, ... |
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| Paolo Venini e la sua fornace A protagonist of Murano glass in the 20th century, Paolo Venini (1895-1959) with his passionate activity spanning almost forty years, made a decisive contribution to the vitality of the art of gla ... |
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| Becker, Vivienne: The Pearl Necklace In the most authoritative volume on the subject to date, "The Pearl Necklace" explores the legacy of these lustrous strands through fine art and fashion, with an introductory essay by award-winnin ... |
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Du Genie de la fabrique au Genie 2.0 Ces deux volumes, publiés dans le cadre d'une double exposition au Musée des tissus de Lyon, reviennent, pour le premier, sur trois siècles d'histoire du tissage des étoffes à Lyon et présen ... |
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| Textiles, Tools and Techniques |
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| Brodbeck, Didier; Henning, Hayley: Tanzanite: Born from Lightning This is the first monograph ever to present this precious stone, discovered only forty years ago, and one thousand times rarer than diamonds. "Tanzanite: Born from Lightning" showcases hundreds of ... |
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Adams, Katherine Jean: Comfort and Glory "Comfort and Glory" introduces an outstanding collection of American quilts and quilt history documentation, the Winedale Quilt Collection at the Briscoe Center for American History at the Univers ... |
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| English Medieval Embroidery: Opus Anglicanum In medieval Europe, embroidered textiles were indispensable symbols of wealth and power. As a result of their quality, complexity and magnificence, English embroideries enjoyed international deman ... |
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| Levine, Barbara: People Knitting A tribute to 100 years of knitting in 100 photographs. |
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Dittmann, Reinhart: Palissy: Naturerkenntnis und Kunstschaffen Mit diesem Band liegt erstmalig eine vollständige und kommentierte Übersetzung des schriftstellerischen Hauptwerks Bernard Palissys (1510-1590) in deutscher Sprache vor, und damit einer der bede ... |
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| Weiss, Allen S.: Grain of the Clay |
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| The Munich Show: Mineralientage München |
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Content, Derek J.: Ruby, Sapphire & Spinel Until about two hundred years ago, no gemological distinction was made between ruby and spinel. Red spinel and red ruby are not infrequently found together and though gem cutters and engravers not ... |
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| Miller, Judith: Living with the Art Deco Style |
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| Hosen, Stühle, Tassen Eine Publikation des Lehrbereichs Gestaltung, Seminar für Kulturanthropologie des Textilen Instituts für Kunst und Materielle Kultur, TU Dortmund. |
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Barry, Ramona: The Craft Companion The complete guide to craft: 33 techniques, from embroidery and clay to collage and baskets, more than 150 contemporary artists and inspirational projects. |
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| formlos - formbar: Bronze Die Beiträge des Bandes spannen den Bogen vom Mittelalter bis in die Moderne und stellen erstmals epochenübergreifend die Möglichkeiten des Materials in seinen unterschiedlichen Facetten vor. |
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| Vanderstukken, Koen: Glass: Virtual, Real "Glass: Virtual, Real" is a unique publication that explores the increasing use of glass in contemporary art as a relatively new artistic medium in the broader context of art history |
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Vanishing Beauty Over 400 outstanding pieces used as portable forms of wealth, as personal adornment, and in religious practice represent a broad spectrum of cultures. The majority comes from the Himalayan region, ... |
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| Tankards and Mugs: Chinese Export Porcelain 197 tankards and mugs from the 15th to the 19th century are catalogued and referenced here in detail. They range from blue and white to delicately enamelled vessels, some emblazoned with western d ... |
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