| Graf, Franz; Marino, Giula: The Many Lives of Apartment-Studio Le Corbusier Le Corbusier's apartment-studio "24NC" is an iconic object of the twentieth century, combining the indisputable material values of the building with the intangible "sense of place" of an architect ... |
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| Funke, Hermann: Architekturkritiken Funke war einer der ersten Architekturkritiker, die dieses Genre in den 1960er-Jahren in die Feuilletons der noch jungen Bundesrepublik brachten. Seine Artikel in DIE ZEIT (1962-69 und 1980-86) un ... |
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De aedibus 97: Bachelard Wagner |
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| M³: Mayne Morphosis Models A magnificently mammoth monograph and robust presentation on the work of Pritzker Prize-winning architect Thom Mayne and his firm Morphosis from its inception to today as seen through the models t ... |
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| Scarpa: Querini Stampalia Foundation |
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Scarpa: The House on the Grand Canal |
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| Scarpa: Canova Museum Possagno |
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| Sardashti, Sohrab: Iranian Architecture This fully illustrated publication is a magnificent pictorial survey of the great architectural monuments of Iran. |
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Farmer-Wichmann, Silke: Wenn Wände reden könnten: Wiener Zinshäuser Unterhaltsam Kurioses aus der Wiener Stadtgeschichte auf Spaziergängen zu prächtigen Zinshäusern. |
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| Our Voices: Indigeneity and Architecture "Our Voices: Indigeneity and Architecture" is an exciting advance in the field of architecture offering multiple indigenous perspectives on architecture and design theory and practice. |
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| Heathcote, Edwin: On the Street: In-Between Architecture "On the Street: In-Between Architecture" is an examination of the last remaining, largely unexplored architecture of public life: street furniture. Through a series of short essays, personal recol ... |
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Griswold, Mac: Mellon: I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise The story of Bunny Mellon, the great landscape and interior designer, becomes a revelatory exploration of extreme wealth in the American century. In "I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise", Mac Griswo ... |
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| Mulazzani, Marco: Guide to the Pavilions of the Venice Biennale since 1887 - rev. ed. 2022 |
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| I Almost Forgot: Unpublished Colin Rowe Unpublished writings of Colin Rowe - letters, essays, lectures, and a postcard - clarify his thinking on key concepts while revealing his wit and erudition. |
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Möllmer, Tobias: Das Palais Cassalette |
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| | Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu begrünen Unter dem Titel "Hängende Gärten oder: Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu begrünen" rief die GEH8 Dresden 2022 einen Gestaltungswettbewerb für eine Begrünung ihrer Nordost-Fassade aus. In ... |
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Bauwelt Fundamente 176: Denise Scott Brown Von der Geschäftigkeit Johannesburgs bis zu den Neonlichtern von Las Vegas hat Denise Scott Browns Eintreten für "unordentliche Vitalität" ("messy vitality") unsere Sicht auf die Stadtlandschaf ... |
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| Project Stories Vol. 02 "Project Stories" invites an eclectic constellation of architectural practices from across the globe to tell the story of one of their significant built works. Each volume brings together three su ... |
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| Pettena: Absolutely everything... or almost Gianni Pettena was a founding member of the radical Florentine architecture movement in the 1960s and 1970s, together with Archizoom, Remo Buti, 9999, Superstudio, UFO and Zziggurat, albeit always ... |
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Treib, Marc: The Shape of Land This is the first book to centre on this subject - presents the contributions of thirteen well-known practitioners and academics who discuss the forms and ramifications of reconfiguring terrain. |
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| Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli: Luoghi Comuni "Luoghi Comuni - "Gemein-plätze": ein Begriff, der uns in seiner Doppelsinnigkeit dazu einlädt, wieder einfachste Fragen zu stellen, damit die Architektur vom "Sagen" zum "Geben" zurückfinden k ... |
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| Jost: Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben |
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Leach, Neil: Architecture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is everywhere - from the apps on our phones to the algorithms of search engines. Without us noticing, the AI revolution has arrived. But what does this mean for the world o ... |
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| Allison, Peter; Berman, Ila: Adjaye: Works 2007-2015 Following on from "David Adjaye - Works: Houses, Pavilions, Installations, Buildings, 1995-2007", published in 2020, this book covers the impressive portfolio of work created by the architect betw ... |
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| Cook: Speculations Peter Cook s drawings speculate about an architecture freed from conventions of style and construction. Spanning from his student days to the present, this book charts an extraordinary architectur ... |
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The Courthouse A comprehensive look at the new Amsterdam Courthouse building, from funding and construction to maintenance and property management. |
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