Versailles et l'Antique C'est pour renouer et rivaliser avec la grandeur antique que Louis XIV a pensé Versailles. A travers une sélection d'oeuvres, ce catalogue met en évidence cette influence dans la peinture, la s ... |
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| Marchand: La Provence Pour la première fois un ouvrage revient sur l'itinéraire singulier d'André Marchand qui, aux cotés de Vincent van Gogh et Paul Cézanne, est un des grands peintres à avoir choisi la Provence ... |
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| Avec armes et bagages Cet ouvrage revient sur l'histoire d'un élément emblématique de l'équipement militaire: le carré. Existant depuis le XVIIIe siècle, ce morceau d'étoffe a laissé des traces dans la vie quot ... |
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Ben Vautier: etre Retrospektive Ausstellung aus Schloß Malbrouck. |
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| Desmazieres: Voyage au centre de la bibliothèque L'oeuvre de graveur d'Erik Desmazières est célèbre depuis les années 1979 par sa dimension onirique, en particulier ses perspectives fantastiques servies par une virtuosité technique exceptio ... |
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| Collection Lambert: Chefs-d'oeuvre 1 |
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| Six siecles d'art du livre Un tour complet du livre d'ex-ception, depuis ses origines jusqu'au début du XXe siècle. |
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| Rubens, van Dyck, Jordaens L'exposition propose une sélection de quarante et un tableaux des anciens Pay-Bas méridionaix du "Siècle d'Or" qui regroupe tous les grand genres, de la peinture d'histoire à la nature morte, ... |
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In anderen Worten Vorgänge des Übersetzens - Lesen, Verstehen, Interpretieren und Neuschreiben - können als eine kulturelle Strategie verstanden werden, um Brücken zu anderen Kulturen zu schlagen. Die Ausstellu ... |
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| Lucas: Ordinary Things This publication "Ordinary Things" tracks the sculptural in the artistic practice of Sarah Lucas. Sculpture is formed of a narrow and specific history, concerned with the processes of making, and ... |
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| Cimiotti: Den Raum ganz anders besetzen. |
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Goethe: den ganzen Tag gezeichnet |
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| Kass: Before and Happily Ever After The first comprehensive book accompanying a major touring exhibition by the painter Deborah Kass. More than any artist of the last thirty years, New York City-based painter Deborah Kass has made i ... |
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| Parker: Colorful Resistance The first retrospective look at the irreverent and boisterous artwork of painter Erik Parker. With deep roots in alternative comics, illustration, and graffiti, internationally acclaimed artist E ... |
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Vreeland after Vreeland The fashion exhibitionst: an insightful look at Diana Vreeland's iconic life. Diana Vreeland is such a charismatic and unique figure in the history of fashion that she runs the risk of remaining p ... |
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| The Last Days of Pompeii The modern obsession with the destruction of Pompeii as seen through the eyes of the foremost visual and literary artists of the last three centuries. |
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| The Postcard Age Drawing on one of the finest and most comprehensive collections of postcards anywhere, "The Postcard Age" traces how big historical and cultural themes of the modern era played out on the postcard ... |
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Korean Eye 2012 The exhibition shows the work of 33 talented Korean artists. |
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| Bourgeois: Honni soit qui mal y pense A stunning selection of late and unseen works by Louise Bourgeois analyzed from philosophical, critical and artistic points of view. Working fearlessly during the last ten years of her life, Louis ... |
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| Socialist Realisms The development of Soviet realist painting over fifty years through a selection of works from Russia's leading museums. |
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Akbar: The Great Emperor of India Akbar The Great is considered one of the most splendid sovereigns of mankind. Though being himself an illiterate, he was a great protector of poetry and literature, the builder of the grandiose ca ... |
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| Masterpieces from Mount Stuart This beautifully illustrated book presents old master paintings from the famous Bute Collection at Mount Stuart, exhibited to the public in Scotland for the first time in more than sixty years, fe ... |
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La presse a la une Ce large panorama de la presse en France des origines à nos jours ne raconte pas seulement son histoire tumultueuse, tant liée à son rapport au pouvoir et à la censure qu'à son rythme effrén ... |
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| Vital: Werke 1989 bis 2011 |
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| The Fertile Crescent "The Fertile Crescent" examines the work of 24 women artists of Middle East heritage: Negar Ahkami (Iranian), Fatima and Monira Al Qadiri (Kuwaiti), Ghada Amer (Egyptian), Zeina Barakeh (Lebanese) ... |
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Shakespeare: Staging the World A unique and fascinating insight into the early modern world, seen through the lens of Shakespeare's plays, and objects and works of art from his time. |
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| Soto: Paris and Beyond, 1950-1970 Focusing on the two decades following Soto's move to France, the works exhibited here are grouped in five sections, revealing his investigations into new modes of artistic engagement, his contact ... |
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