Manuscripts in the Making |
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| A most pleasant scene and an inexhaustible resource |
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| Wirth, Jean: La sculpture de la cathédrale de Reims |
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Sahlins, Peter: 1668: The Year of the Animal in France Dieses brillante Buch untersucht den erstaunlichen und bisher wenig erforschten "Animal Moment" rund um das Jahr 1668. Plötzlich wandte sich die Aufmerksamkeit der Maler, Bildhauer, Schriftstelle ... |
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| Artistry in Bronze: The Greeks and Their Legacy The papers in this volume derive from the proceedings of the nineteenth International Bronze Congress, held at the Getty Center and Villa in October 2015 in connection with the exhibition "Power a ... |
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What the Eyes Cannot See The publication summarizes the results of a project focusing on the overall examination of a set of Bohemian panel paintings from the collections and the permanent exhibition of the National Galle ... |
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| Pfeilschifter, Rene: Die Spätantike |
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| Crossroads: Travelling Through the Middle Ages The story of the trade network and the lively exchange of goods and ideas, diplomatic missions and knowledge in Europe during the period from 300 to 1000 AD. |
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Sacred Landscapes During the Renaissance, artists from Italy to Flanders and England to Germany depicted nature in their religious art to intensify the spiritual experience of the viewer. Sacred Landscapes presents ... |
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| Genoese Drawings 16th - 18th Centuries |
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| Schulz, Anne Markham: The History of Venetian Renaissance Sculpture As the first comprehensive treatment of Venetian sculpture of the early Renaissance in nearly a century, this book examines the documents, literary sources, and oeuvre of all Venetian sculptors in ... |
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| Foelsch, Torsten: Die Gutsparks in der Prignitz |
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| Erzbischof Ernst von Wettin |
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Toutain-Quittelier, Valentine: Le carneval, la fortune et la folie Une étude sur les artistes français partis à Venise et les artistes vénitiens partis à Paris, au XVIIIe siècle. A l'heure où les frontières s'atténuent, favorisant la mobilité des hommes ... |
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| Bartz, Gabriele: Zentrum und Peripherie |
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| UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Reichenau |
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Le Baroque des Lumieres Le catalogue réuni les esquisses et les grandes toiles des peintres français du XVIIIe siècle (de Largillière à David) réalisées pour le compte des églises parisiennes et démontrant l'imp ... |
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| Barockes Universum Der Katalog zeichnet das Leben in der Fürstabtei St. Gallen zur Zeit des Barock nach: Thematisiert werden Bautätigkeit, Buch- und Festkultur ebenso wie die Tätigkeit der Druckerei, die Erforsch ... |
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| Tessuto e ricchezza a Firenze nel Trecento L'esposizione si concentra sull'importanza dell'arte tessile a Firenze nel Trecento, dal punto di vista economico, nel campo della produzione artistica e nei costumi della società del tempo. |
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Serrette, Renaud: Le Chateau de Champs Die Geschichte des oberhalb der Marne gelegenen Schlosses Château de Champs, ein Musterbeispiel eines Lustschlosses des 18. Jahrhunderts, und seiner illustren Bewohner und Besucher - von Madame d ... |
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| La Tapisserie francaise Un panorama de l'art de la tapisserie française depuis le Moyen Age. Il présente ses usages, ses commanditaires, l'évolution de son décor, les tentures majeures de son histoire, mais aussi les ... |
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| Textiles and Wealth in 14th Century Florence An exhibition on an issue that has always been very popular in Florence: luxury in fashion. The aim is to show the importance of textiles as an art form in 1300s, viewed from both an economic pers ... |
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Visiteurs de Versailles A travers une présentation de peintures, de costumes, de tapisseries ou de sculptures, ce catalogue évoque le parcours des visiteurs dans la demeure royale depuis la seconde moitié du XVIIe sià ... |
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| Die Burg Henneberg in Südthüringen |
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