Dürer under your skin: Tattoo Art Die im Buch präsentierte Auswahl zeigt die motivische Bandbreite der Tattoos, die sich überwiegend am druckgraphischen und zeichnerischen Werk Dürers orientieren. |
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| Doucet: Club tout colle bien avec Judo L'artiste québécoise est invitée par le musée Tomi Ungerer - Centre international de l'illustration en 2024. A cette occasion, elle propose un travail personnel et inédit, un petit livre d'ar ... |
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| Giger: Beyond Alien * Il volume è dedicato ad Hans Ruedi Giger, uno degli artisti più visionari del secondo Novecento, e viene pubblicato in occasione della prima grande retrospettiva a lui dedicata, ospitata al Muse ... |
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Munari: Tutto Il volume ripercorre la poliedrica produzione artistica, editoriale, di design di Bruno Munari (1907-1998) uno dei grandi protagonisti del XX secolo. |
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| Walt Disneys Donald Duck: Die ultimative Chronik Seit 1934 ist Donald Duck eine der beliebtesten Comicfiguren, und er war in mehr Filmen zu sehen als jeder andere Protagonist von Disney. Dieser Band zeigt seltene Zeichnungen, Originalausgaben un ... |
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| Martens: Love Letters "Love Letters" is a selection of 46 envelopes for the letters that Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens sent to his love, Lous, between 1962 and 1963. The envelopes were all manually crafted using ... |
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Botton, Michele: Warhol: A Graphic Biography In "Andy Warhol: A Graphic Biography", discover the iconic artist's story and how he changed art forever. |
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| Graphic Fest 2 Following its first bestselling predecessor, GRAPHIC FEST 2 continues its legacy with a brand new selection of visual identities that appeal to the right audiences with the same vigour and sensati ... |
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| Pérez Arteaga, Miguel Ángel: The Art of Jesús Cisneros A visually mesmerizing book that celebrates the wide range and intensity of Jose Cisneros s artistry. |
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Ascari, Giancarlo: Lovers in Art Zehn ikonische Künstlerpaare »Lovers in Art« schildert überwältigende Leidenschaften in einer immer noch von Männern dominierten Gesellschaft. Diese Graphic Novel erzählt anhand der Schlüsselmomente ihres gemeinsamen L ... |
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| Jazz Age Illustration A gorgeous look at popular illustrators of the Jazz Age and their influential role in the dynamic culture of the 1920s and '30s. |
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| Tanchis, Aldo: Bruno Munari - new edition 2024 BRUNO MUNARI. Text by Aldo Tanchis. New ed. Mantova 2024. 23 x 28 cm. 144 S. mit 260 (80 farb.) Abb., gebunden. With an updated cover, this facsimile edition brings back into print the crucial 198 ... |
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Graphic Waves Graphic Design is an essential facet of the music industry. Over the last few years, music has become more visual than ever. With access to music at an all-time high and attention spans at an all- ... |
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| Japanese Illustration This book categorizes contemporary Japanese illustration into three main styles: tradition, simplicity, and modernity. The rich collection of work offers readers a taste of the current Japanese ae ... |
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| Japanese Wow Factor From Point and Line to Plane, Japanese Wow Factor shows you the varieties of graphic design, and how basic elements become aesthetic information in Japan. |
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Songscapes: Graphics & Visuals "Songscapes" takes a deeper look into the craft that goes behind the making of a successful music identity, with artist interviews, production processes, and plenty of behind-the-scenes details. |
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| e.o. plauen: Die vergessenen Rosinen In diesem Begleitbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Valentin-Karlstadt-Musäum nähert sich der Künstler Steffen Haas Erich Ohser über dessen ausgewähltes Werk von mit dem Blick des Zeichner ... |
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| Gowrley, Freya: Fragmentary Forms: New History of Collage A beautifully illustrated global history of collage from the origins of paper to today. |
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Yearbook of Type #7 Building on the success of its predecessors, the "Yearbook of Type #7" presents an updated design concept that features new interfaces and new features for an enhanced reading experience. With a t ... |
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| Gage, John: Color and Culture What does the language of colour tell us? Where does one colour begin and another end? Is it a radiant visual stimulus, an intangible function of light, or a material substance to be moulded and a ... |
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| Adams, Dan: Read and Destroy: Skateboarding The story of RAD - Britain's seminal skateboarding publication of the 1980s and '90s - told through the archives of the skate photographers who formed the core of the original editorial team. |
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Dynamic Branding Contains a curated selection of adaptive brand identities that adapt to the digital world. |
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| Ross, Caroline: Wilde Farben Dieses Buch deckt alle Aspekte der Herstellung von Naturfarben ab, von der Suche nach den Rohstoffen bis hin zu den Techniken, die erforderlich sind, um sie zu wunderschönen Pigmenten und Farben ... |
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