Brand, Willemien: Visual Working This practical workbook shows you how to use drawing as a fun and effective way to communicate at work. It provides simple steps to incorporate business drawing into your daily routine so that you ... |
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| Hallbäck, Jessica: I can't believe I still have to protest this shit A collection of feminist art, printed on highest-quality 300-gsm art paper in size A4, which is easy to pull out and frame. |
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| Paul Rand: A Designer's Eye A photo essay of the beautifully graphic and eclectic items collected by Paul Rand. |
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The World's Best Typography 2023 263 preisgekrönte Arbeiten aus 39 Ländern, 46 neue Fonts ausgezeichnet in der Kategorie Best of Type Design sowie erstmals Siegerarbeiten in der Kategorie Best of Lettering. |
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| Miyazaki: Shunas Reise Der legendäre Zeichner und Regisseur Hayao Miyazaki hat mit "Shunas Reise" einen meisterhaften Manga-Klassiker geschaffen, der nun erstmals in deutscher Sprache erscheint! "Unheimlich, bezaubernd ... |
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| Bruno Munari: Fundación Juan March 2022 To mark the major exhibition on Bruno Munari at the Fundación Juan March in Madrid between February and May 2022 - the first retrospective dedicated to Munari in Spain, as well as the most compre ... |
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Kerbaj, Mazen: Learning Deutsch Ein unverzichtbares Wort-Bild-Buch für das Ankommen in Deutschland: "Learning Deutsch" ist Wort-Bilder-Buch und immerwährender Kalender zugleich: Wort für Wort folgen wir dem Musiker und bilden ... |
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| Benson, Tim: Britain's Best Political Cartoons 2023 Another essential volume of the most hilarious and incisive political cartoons of the year, featuring the work of Peter Brookes, Steve Bell, Nicola Jennings and many more. |
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| Vignold, Peter: Superhelden im Film: Marvel Cinematic Universe Aufstieg und Fall hegemonialer Männlichkeiten in Marvels "Infinity Saga" - das filmische Superheld*innen-Genre und der Tod des Patriarchats. |
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Marvel By Design - Special Edition A rare treat for any comic superfan, the special edition of "Marvel By Design" is bursting with bonus features. Encased in an exclusively designed presentation box, the book becomes a collectible ... |
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| Toh, Vivian; Lim, Jay: Riso Art A practical guide to Risograph printing for anyone who wants to broaden their printing horizons and be inspired by the wide variety of possibilities offered by this relatively easy-to-use and fasc ... |
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| Pentagram: Living by Design Five years in the making, "Pentagram: Living by Design" is an in-depth survey of the group from its beginnings in 1970s London to its current status as one of the powerhouses of international design. |
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Peterson, Roger Tory; Peterson, Virginia Marie: Audubon's Birds of America: Baby Elephant Folio The Baby Elephant Folio presents all 435 of John James Audubon's brilliant hand-coloured engravings in exquisite reproductions derived from the original plates of the rare Double Elephant Folio. A ... |
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| Gottfried Helnwein: Albertina Wien - engl. Gottfried Helnwein's (born 1948) paintings of children are both touching and disturbing. The hyperrealistic character of his images serves to intensify this effect still further. The vulnerable an ... |
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| Packaged for Life: Chocolate A series that showcases the best packaging design for everyday products from around the world through a lifestyle-led lens. |
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Lester, David: Prophet against Slavery The revolutionary life of an eighteenth-century dwarf activist who was among the first to fight against slavery and animal cruelty. |
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| Cabassa Cortés, Mariona: New Tattoo Artists A new and fresh vision of an ancient art renewed thanks to the work of artists from other fields of art. |
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| The World's Best Typography 2023 Designers and students and even top creatives can find in this book fresh trends, inspiring content and new sources of inspiration in the world of typography. |
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Gottfried Helnwein: Albertina Wien - dt. Gottfried Helnweins (geboren 1948) Gemälde von Kindern berühren und verstören zugleich. Der hyperrealistische Charakter seiner Bilder verstärkt diesen Effekt zusätzlich. Das verletzbare und w ... |
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| Greitemann, Leander: Unfollow Your Dreams Leander Greitemann befreit Sie aus der Erfolgsfalle. Reißt Sie aus den Träumen, denen Sie hinterherhecheln und dabei zu leben vergessen. Er weckt Sie auf aus den Träumen, die nie in Erfüllung ... |
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| Houellebecq, Michel; Paillard, Louis: Karte und Gebiet Michel Houellebecqs großer Gesellschaftsroman, ausgezeichnet mit dem Prix Goncourt, erhält durch die beeindruckenden Zeichnungen von Louis Paillard eine faszinierende Erweiterung. In dieser kong ... |
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Stamp, Elizabeth: 150 Bookstores A selection of the 150 most remarkable bookstores in the world - each having a unique story to tell. From New York to Singapore and from Paris to Rio de Janeiro - enjoy! |
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| Theatre of the Street 1918-1938 The metaphor "theatre of the street" was conceived by theoretician Karel Teige to describe the vivant and dynamic audio-visual hustle and bustle typical for city centres in 1920's. He did not mean ... |
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| Thomas, Angela: Bill: Von konstruktiver Klarheit 1940-1952 Max Bill (1908-1994) war einer der vielseitigsten Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er wirkte als Maler, Bildhauer, Architekt, Graphiker, Designer, Typograph, Publizist, Kurator, Professor und Polit ... |
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Object Logos "Object Logos" contains a carefully curated selection of logos, trademarks and symbols from around the world formed of objects such as scissors, musical instruments, sports kit, tools, keys and st ... |
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| Packaging for Life: Scent A series that showcases the best packaging design for everyday products from around the world through a lifestyle-led lens. |
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| Karel Martens 2024 Planner Nach dem wir im letzten Jahr mit Karel Martens den erfolgreichen Abreißkalender 2023 verlegt haben, freuen wir uns, für 2024 gemeinsam mit ihm einen Wochen-Taschenkalender anzubieten. Da wir sch ... |
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Hurzlmeierzeichnerei Nach "Hurzlmeiermalerei" jetzt "Hurzlmeierzeichnerei": Ob Hasen in der Industrielandschaft, die Todesspur des Killermaulwurfs oder menschenfressende Zyklopen auf der Pirsch - es gibt wenig, was Ru ... |
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