Jacob, Yvane: Yves Saint Laurent: Gold A bold and fashionable look at the iconic golds of Yves Saint Laurent - in jewelry, couture, and accessories - from the 1960s to the 2000s. This heavily illustrated and photographed book presents ... |
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| Teller: More Handbags This revised and expanded edition of Juergen Teller's bestselling Handbags features a careful selection of images from the original 2019 book, alongside his favorite photographs made since. As bef ... |
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| Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty This first complete investigation into Karl Lagerfeld's (1933-2019) artistry explores his extraordinary sixty-five-year career, from the designs for Chloé and Fendi in the 1960s and 1970s to his ... |
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Gilroy, Darla-Jane: Little Book of Burberry |
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| Givenchy Catwalk The first and only comprehensive overview of Givenchy's collections, presented through catwalk photography and published in collaboration with the celebrated fashion house. After Chanel, Dior, Lou ... |
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| Supreme - new edition July 2023 Over the past 25 years, Supreme has transformed itself from a downtown New York skate shop into an iconic global brand. Featuring more than 800 stunning images, from photographers such as Larry Cl ... |
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Way, Elizabeth; Romero, Elena: Fresh Fly Fabulous The ultimate guide to hip-hop style tells the stories behind the iconic celebrities, brands, and images that defined it. |
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| Knoll, Valérie; Dany, Hans-Christian: No Dandy, No Fun - dt. Ausgabe Eine kulturelle Auseinandersetzung mit der rätselhaft ikonischen Figur des Dandys in der Geschichte und als Figur für die Zukunft. Das Buch erscheint im Anschluß an die Ausstellung "No Dandy, N ... |
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| Miralles, Nina-Sophia: Inside Vogue Hinter der Hochglanzfassade des weltberühmten Magazins waren es von Anfang an die Redakteurinnen, die mit unkonventionellen Ideen und Unerschrockenheit das Magazin durch etliche Krisen geleitet h ... |
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Murray, Joëlle: Wörterbuch der Mode - 4. Auflage 2022 Wenn es um Mode und Kleidung geht, sind viele Details schon in der Muttersprache nur schwer zu benennen - geschweige denn in einer anderen. "Breitkord", "Füßling" und "Haifischkragen" sucht man ... |
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| Der Handschuh Mit "Der Handschuh" zeichnet das Deutsche Ledermuseum die vielfältige Kulturgeschichte eines oft unterschätzten Accessoires nach. Anhand ausgewählter Exponate, von wärmenden Fäustlingen der I ... |
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| Pellen, Dominique: Patternmaking for Womenswear 1 The first volume of six comprising all aspects of pattern-making for womenswear, this book is a comprehensive approach to the fundamentals of flat-pattern drafting for skirts in all their variatio ... |
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Slim Aarons: Style Slim Aarons, at least according to the man himself, did not photograph fashion: "I didn't do fashion. I did the people in their clothes that became the fashion." But despite what he claimed, Aaron ... |
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| Shayne Oliver: Screensavers. Anonymous Club Archive 2017-2021 Die Publikation dokumentiert die Arbeit des Kollektivs Anonymous Club von seinen Anfängen bis heute. Es handelt sich um eine vollständige forensische Sammlung von Artefakten und Ephemera, die in ... |
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| Bisovsky: Wiener Chic Couture-Kollektionen von Trachtenpunk bis Teatro alla Scala. |
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Female View - dt. "Female View" rückt die Modephotographie von Frauen in den Fokus. Dieses Buch zeichnet anhand exemplarischer Positionen den Wandel des photographischen Bildes von den 1940er Jahren bis heute nach ... |
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| Corry, Rachel: Sandalen-Werkstatt Perfekt für den Einstieg: Alle Handgriffe werden Schritt für Schritt und mit zahlreichen Abbildungen fachkundig angeleitet. Geeignet auch für Interessierte, die sich noch nie mit Schuhmacherei ... |
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| Fairer, Robert: Karl Lagerfeld Unseen: The Chanel Years Casting a new light on one of the best-loved chapters in fashion history, "Karl Lagerfeld Unseen: The Chanel Years" illuminates key Chanel collections and creations captured from behind the scenes ... |
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Female View - engl. "Female View" focuses on the fashion photography of women. Using exemplary positions, this book traces the transformation of the photographic image from the 1940s to the present day: from the fash ... |
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| Carlson, Jack: Rowing Blazers - rev. ed. 2022 Renowned designer and former US national team oarsman Jack Carlson's essential and glorious celebration of the classic rowing blazer and of rowing itself . |
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| Miller, Phoebe; Reach, Michael: Cult T-Shirts This collection of over 500 vintage tees is a deep dive into the culture and art of collecting the tee. |
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Homer, Karen: Little Book of Hermès The iconic bags, the instantly recognizable packaging, the celebrity fans - Hèrmes is the last word in luxurious accessories. |
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| Mazura, Margaretha: Souvenirs of Splendour: Fans from Imperial Vienna |
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| Eichinger, Katja: Mode und andere Neurosen Was ist Mode? Was erzählen wir über uns, wenn wir uns anziehen? Und woher kommt die Lust an Inszenierung und Selbstausdruck? In ihren persönlichen, hellsichtigen Essays schreibt Katja Eichinger ... |
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Graves, Laia Farran: Little Book of Versace |
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| The Fashion Book - rev. ed. 2022 The iconic bestseller, showcasing more than 500 of fashion's greatest names from A-Z. Phaidon's iconic global bestseller "The Fashion Book" takes a fresh look at the fashion world and the people w ... |
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| Fruman, Sheila: Pull of the Thread Tells the stories of nine intrepid adventurers who have combed the streets and bazaars of Central and South Asia finding, researching, collecting and selling textile treasures to interested Wester ... |
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Bivens: Euphoria Fashion This encyclopedia of Euphoria High fashion features an introduction by Jeremy Scott, Q&As with Coperni and Arianne Phillips, and essays from William Van Meter, Mitchell Kuga, and more. |
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| Newman, Terry: Harry Styles and the clothes he wears A guide to the style of Harry Styles, a 21st-century fashion icon, with over 100 pictures of Harry and the pop-idols who have influenced his sartorial taste. |
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