GEX, JENNY DE.: Die Kunst des Skifahrens |
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| | McGILL, DONALD.: McGill: Michael Winner Collection |
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| Halpern, Richard.: Halpern: Norman Rockwell In this sure-to-be controversial book, Richard Halpern argues that Norman Rockwell's sense of innocence arises from our reluctance - and also Rockwell's - to acknowledge the often disturbing dimen ... |
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| Master of Design: Pierre Bernard |
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ADC E: Annual of Annuals 2006 |
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| Spanish Advertising Annual 2006 |
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| Munari: From Afar It Was an Island Page after page Bruno Munari shows us a world hidden in the stones, populated by characters drawn along the stone s lines and veins. While smiling at a monkey grabbed at the lianes-streaks we unde ... |
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Alfred Finsterer: Grafik als Lebenslinie |
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| Eisner: The Contract With God Trilogy Nearly forty years ago, Will Eisner couldn't find a publisher for his revolutionary literary work, "A Contract With God". Published quietly in 1978, the graphic novel took on a force of its own, n ... |
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| Reinke, Thomas: Max Bill: HfG Ulm The works contained within this volume are an attempt to think the lineature of the Hochschule für Gestaltung, from the inside, by the patient practice of drawing and redrawing the lines that con ... |
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Chen Design Associates: Fingerprint |
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| Levy: Hand Book Der Herausgeber Jean-Benoit Levy ist handbesessen. Nicht nur hat er über Jahre hunderte von Beispielen und Beweisen für ein weltweit verbreitetes System der Hand-Zeichen gesammelt - er hat als G ... |
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| See Nothing: Volume Due It needs only a series of visual paradoxes to destroy our relaxed perception of the real. This book, that is published six years after the previous one, contains the contributes of photographers, ... |
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SEGAR, ELZIE CRISLER.: Segar: Popeye "Wenn Sie meinen, Sie wüßten alles ber Popeye, machen Sie sich auf eine Offenbarung gefaßt: Der echte Popeye, der zwischen 1929 und 1938 seinen Auftritt hatte, war nichts für Kinder. Er war ei ... |
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| Frame: The Back Issue "Frame: The Back Issue" is a celebration of 50 issues of a design magazine. This publication features 50 exceptional articles on designs and projects that helped shape the magazine. The Back Issue ... |
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| BRAVO 1956-2006 Fünfzig Jahre "Bravo": Geschichten von Elvis, den Beatles und den Stones, von Winnetou, den Starschnitten und der Fotolovestory, von ABBA und Nena, Madonna und Take That, von Rock'n'Roll, Beat un ... |
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Hiller, Helmut; Füssel, Stepha: Wörterbuch des Buches Die 7. Auflage dieses bekannten handlichen Nachschlagewerkes ist erneut grundlegend überarbeitet und aktualisiert worden. Es unterrichtet über die aktuellen Veränderungen in Drucktechnik, Typog ... |
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| Tufte, Edward R.: Beautiful Evidence Contents: Mapped Pictures: Images as Evidence and Explanation; Sparklines: Intense, Simple, Word-Sized Graphics; Links and Casual Arrow: Ambiguity in Action; Words, Numbers, Images - Together; The ... |
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| CYR, LISA L.: Cyr: Innovative Promotions |
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Sale Announcement Graphics The definitive collection of promotional tools advertising sales, bargains, clearances and limited-time offers. |
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| Presidential Doodles Silly, sublime, and everything in between, the essential collection of the presidents of the United States doodles, from George Washington to George W. Bush. |
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Dodd, Robin: From Gutenberg to Open Type |
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| | Matador: The First 10 Years Ten years and just as many volumes of the high quality photographic magazine Matador have seen thousands of images published. Now the highlights have been bundled together into this anniversary ed ... |
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KING, FRANK O.: Walt and Skeezix Chris Ware has often cited Gasoline Alley as one of his favorite comics strips ever, and he has lovingly edited and designed Walt & Skeezix Book One, the first ever collection and multi-volume ser ... |
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| LICHTENSTEIN, CLAUDE.: Lichtenstein: Spielwitz + Klarheit In der Publikation geht es um die Frage: gibt es eine Gemeinsamkeit in der gestalterischen Auffassung von Schweizer Architektur, Graphik und Design aus über 50 Jahren, aus drei Berufen, verschied ... |
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| Herge: Paris 2006/07 Bringing together several hundreds of original drawings and prints, as well as other documents by the famous illustrator, this exhibition is an homage to the work of Herg, who would have celebrate ... |
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