The Courtauld Collection "The Courtauld Collection: A Vision for Impressionism" accompanies a landmark exhibition at the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris exploring Samuel Courtauld's role as one of the great collectors of ... |
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| Van Gogh: Briefe Der Band umfaßt etwa 70 Briefe Van Goghs und wird ergänzt von ausführlichen Personen-, Orts- und Werkregister. |
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| Le Nabis & le décor Cette exposition est la première en France consacrée à l'art décoratif et ornemental des Nabis. Il s'agit pourtant d'un domaine essentiel pour ces artistes qui voulaient abattre la frontière ... |
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Thoma, Julia: The Final Spectacle |
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| Hodge, Susie: The Short Story of Modern Art Dieser konzentrierte Überblick erkundet anhand von 50 Schlüsselwerken die wesentlichen Künstler, Kunstströmungen und Techniken der vergangenen rund 200 Jahre internationaler Kunstgeschichte. |
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| Barta, Ilsebill; Ott-Wodni, Marlene; Skrabanek, Alena: Repräsentation und (Ohn)Macht |
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Brettell, Richard R.: On Modern Beauty |
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| | Trésors impressionnistes Présentation de soixante oeuvres de peintres impressionnistes français exposées au musée Ordrupgaard, au Danemark. |
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Willms, Johannes: Napoleon Johannes Willms, der große Kenner der Epoche und Napoleon-Biograph, faßt in diesem kritischen Portrait noch einmal den Aufstieg und Fall des Ausnahmemenschen zusammen, der erst Frankreich und da ... |
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| Cohen, Rachel: Verwobene Lebenswege Wer inspiriert wen? Wer beeinflußt wen? Rachel Cohens fulminanter Gang durch ein Jahrhundert amerikanischer Kulturgeschichte: Gertrude Stein/William James - Edward Steichen/Alfred Stieglitz - Jos ... |
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| Paul Gauguin's Intimate Journals A beautiful facsimile of the earliest English translation of Gauguin's frank and entertaining memoir, written just before he died, in which he reveals his most inner thoughts on art, life and love. |
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| Hirshler, Erica E.: Sargent's Daughters An exploration of the iconic canvas - The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit - from a variety of angles, discussing its innovative significance as a work of art, the people involved in its making and ... |
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| Humboldt: Die Russland-Expedition Die kaum bekannte Russland-Expedition Alexander von Humboldts erzählt aus Briefen und Dokumenten. |
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Die im Licht steh'n: Fotografische Porträts |
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| Rubinstein: La collection de Madame Catalogue présentant une centaine de pièces issues de la collection d'Helena Rubinstein (1872-1965), fondatrice de l'entreprise de cosmétiques qui porte son nom, parmi lesquelles figurent des p ... |
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| Frey, Julia: Vuillard: Venus Betrayed Drawing on insights, images and unpublished diaries, Julia Frey explores Édouard Vuillard's private world. |
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Metzger: Writings Bringing together more than 350 texts written between 1953 and 2016, this comprehensive volume establishes artist and activist Gustav Metzger (1926-2017) as one of the towering figures of the 20th ... |
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| Droste, Magdalena: Bauhaus - dt. - rev. Aufl. 2019 |
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| Droste, Magdalena: Bauhaus - engl. - rev. ed. 2019 |
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Unretouched Women In the mid-1970s in the United States as feminism gained huge momentum, three American photographers Eve Arnold, Abigail Heyman and Susan Meiselas published books of a new kind. Combining testimon ... |
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| Malterre-Barthes, Charlotte: Gray: A House Under the Sun With exquisitive visuals and a cosidered narrative A House Under the Sun brings to life the tale of a true visionary and her strive for artistic excellence. But it is a life story of women that wa ... |
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| Sánchez Vegara, Maria Isabel: Little People: Frida Kahlo |
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Buckminster Fuller: And It Came to Pass - Not to Stay "And It Came to Pass - Not to Stay" brings together Buckminster Fuller's lyrical and philosophical best, including seven "essays" in a form he called his "ventilated prose". |
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