Esescardó, Anna; Wiedemann, Julius: Science Illustration Von der ersten detaillierten Zeichnung des Mondes über die erste Skizze eines Atoms und den frühesten Rechnern bis hin zur künstlichen Intelligenz, versammelt dieser Band 300 wissenschaftliche ... |
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| Sakurai, Teruko: Traditional Colors of Japan Expert colorist Teruko Sakurai takes you to the end of the rainbow - and beyond - in this inspiring color dictionary! |
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| McGinness, Neil: Pulp Power A visual treasury of the iconic Street & Smith pulp novel covers of the 1930s and 1940s Pulp Power: The Shadow, Doc Savage, and the Street & Smith Universe gives fans a rare glimpse into the pre-w ... |
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The Question of Funding: The Gentle Asphalt I Deserved "The Gentle Asphalt I Deserved" is the journey of a shoe that travels between different owners and classes. The story explores how the shoe's value changes from one geography to the next. The Ques ... |
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| Slanted Special Issue Bavaria Mit Hilfe der Designagentur bayern design hat Slanted Designerinnen, Künstlerinnen, Fotografen, Illustratorinnen und Handwerker ausfindig gemacht - alles Menschen, die ihre Region lieben und mit ... |
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| Gehen. Finden. Teilen: Begleitbuch zur documenta fifteen Inspiriert von Touren in Reiseführern oder Vermittlungsangeboten in öffentlichen Museen bietet "Gehen, Finden, Teilen" Kindern und Familien, aber auch Comic-Fans und erfahrenen Ausstellungsbesuc ... |
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Inscriptions en relation Le livre examine le lien entre le colonialisme et l'inscription de différentes langues dans l'espace urbain. Le livre rassemble de nombreux exemples de ces "inscriptions" : Murs couverts d'inscri ... |
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| Walking, Finding, Sharing: Companion to documenta fifteen "Walking, Finding, Sharing" offers visitors of the world's largest art exhibition a novel approach to experiencing art. Inspired by travel guides and museum tours, this richly illustrated book inv ... |
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| Space Tessellations Mit dieser fundierten Einführung zum Thema Parkettdeformation schließen die Herausgeberinnen und Herausgeber eine Lücke, die vor allem im Zeitalter des digitalen Entwerfens ein besonders reizvo ... |
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Kronthaler, Helmut: Im Zeichen der Wende In den Jahren nach der Wende bringt die ostdeutsche Illustratorenszene immer wieder neue junge Talente hervor, wie Nadia Budde, Kat Menschik oder Thomas M. Müller. Heute lehren viele dieser zunä ... |
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| Koepke, Peter: Patterns: Inside the Design Library - new ed. 2022 Back in print - an insider's guide to the world's largest archive of patterns and textiles, inspiration for the globe's top designers. |
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| Steinberg: Between the Lines The book shows old, well known works by the cartoonist and also works that are lesser well known, revealing new aspects and facets of Steinberg's work. It was developed for the exhibition at the C ... |
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Koyama-Richard, Brigitte: One Thousand Years of Manga This book spans the history of manga in all its splendour and diversity: from Hokusai's seminal Manga in 1814 to the onset of the gekiga in the 1950s; from the landmark Astro Boy of Tezuka Ozamu t ... |
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| The Fashion Yearbook 2022 Das Fashion Yearbook 2022 beweist, dass Strahlkraft und Glanz immer möglich ist, selbst in den dunkelsten Momenten. |
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| The Question of Funding: A Song for the Sea "A Song for the Sea" is a story about fishing and the importance of inherited knowledge and local resources in economic production. The Question of Funding is a collective of cultural producers an ... |
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Striking! Advertising Matches from Singapore With their rectangular and pocket-friendly form, matchboxes printed with advertisements once offered an affordable and portable means of marketing. Known as "advertising matches", these petite box ... |
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| MacDonald: Prop Man This exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the art and design of graphic props for popular films and TV shows like Parks and Recreation, John Wick, Silver Linings Playbook, The Knick, and Boardwalk ... |
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| Van Toorn/Crouwel: Revue Faire 38 We are told that the hall of the Fodor Museum in Amsterdam, where the scene takes place on this evening of November 9th 1972, was "smoky, noisy and crowded", and that the gathered audience made it ... |
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Graphic Events Essays and interviews on the precarious life of designed objects. |
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| 100 Beste Plakate 21 Jedes Jahr prämiert der Verein 100 Beste Plakate e. V. die innovativsten und wegweisendsten Plakatentwürfe aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Das Jahrbuch ist längst zum Pulsmesser f ... |
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| Hambleton: Godfather of Street Art The first definitive career retrospective of the visionary underground godfather of street art at the center of New York s 1980s urban art scene. |
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Lewis, Jemma: Marbling A companion and guide through the centuries-old craft of marbling paper. |
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| Portolano, Cristina: Bacon: The Story of his Life Told for the first time in graphic novel form, the story of Francis Bacon's life is as complex, colourful, and highly charged as his paintings. |
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| Die Tierwelten von Reiner Zieger Reiner Zieger kann als der wichtigste deutsche Tiermaler nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg gelten. Mehrere Generationen sind mit seinen Bildern groß geworden: In der DDR, wo er bis 1990 vor allem wirkte ... |
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Harper: Wild Life A must-read to understand the legacy of this Mid-Century master, who set the basis for modern illustration. |
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| The Question of Funding: Lina and the Working Hands We use our hands every day, sometimes without us noticing them. Yet their lines in the hand bear the marks of time and labor. Lina, a defiant nine-year-old girl, decides to follow the journey of t ... |
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