ZDF TV+Design Von den frühen Programmplakaten bis zu den dynamischen Interfacedesign-Lösungen der Gegenwart: Hier wird zum ersten Mal eine umfassende Untersuchung der reichen Designgeschichte des Senders vorg ... |
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| Appupen; Daudet, Laurent: Dream Machine: A Portrait of Artificial Intelligence A graphic novel about the promises and perils of AI. |
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| Quinones: New York Graffiti Art This volume presents a sweeping overview of the monumental work of Puerto Rican-born artist Lee Quiñones over the past five decades. |
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Chastanet, Francois: Cholo Writing Cholo Writing is the 20th century's oldest form of graffiti, a Mexican-American phenomenon evident in Los Angeles long before the appearance of tags and pieces in the late 1960s in New York. |
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| Futuria: Art of the Sci-Fi Age A collection of art and illustration featuring cyberpunk inspiration and influences that will appeal to fans of science fiction and pop culture. |
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| Thomas, Angela: Bill: Constructive Clarity Max Bill (1908-1994) was a painter, sculptor, architect, graphic designer, typographer, product designer, curator, collector, professor, and public figure. "Constructive Clarity: Max Bill and His ... |
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Gonstalla, Esther: Was wäre, wenn... Gesunde Erde, Gesunde Menschen: Was wäre, wenn jeder Supermarkt auf dem Dach Gemüse anbaut? Was hat der Mount Everest mit unserem Ressourcenverbrauch zu tun? Und wie wird Dresden durch Pommes kl ... |
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| Tropical Reading: Photobook & Self-Publishing "Tropical Reading: Photobook and Self-Publishing" illustrates the photography practitioners and artist collectives from each city in Southeast Asia, examining why they chose to get into self-publi ... |
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| Diagrams of Power We draw diagrams to help us think, communicate, and put forth what we think is important or what we want to be true. While some diagrams are seen as statements of fact, they can also further agend ... |
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Ehrhard, Dominique: Bycicles: Pop-up Book The newest pop-up book from renowned paper engineer Dominique Ehrhard artfully traces two centuries of bicycling history and lore. |
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| Slanted Issue #43: Ukraine Das Slanted Magazine #43 widmet sich der ukrainischen Designszene. Trotz der Unmöglichkeit, Studios wie in den vergangenen Ausgaben des Slanted magazine vor Ort zu besuchen, halfen umfangreiche K ... |
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| Salvador, Tania: Give it to me Eine feministische Musikgeschichte mit Portraits zahlreicher Künstlerinnen aus 14 Kategorien im im Graphic-Novel-Stil. |
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mono.kultur #50: Mike Mills Mike Mills is a US film director and designer, widely acclaimed for his tender and personal and allround heartwarming films and stories, capturing our daily dilemmas of human existence with lighth ... |
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| Röttel, Ronald: Verpackungen der Literatur Warum Verpackungen und Oberflächen für die Literatur so wichtig sind - medienästhetische Perspektiven auf Cover, Buchumschläge und Layout. |
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| Duffty, Keanan: The Fashion Entrepreneur A five-part guide to operating a successful fashion business covering everything tomorrow's fashion leaders need to know about managing, funding, marketing, branding and selling. |
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Shaughnessy, Adrian: Lubalin: American Graphic Designer - new edition 2024 Available again, a major monograph on the legendary US typographer and graphic designer Herb Lubalin (1918-1981). "Herb Lubalin: American Graphic Designer" features hundreds of examples of Lubalin ... |
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| Faucheux: Spaces of Reading, Reading of Spaces A critical study of the work of Pierre Faucheux (1924-1999), a major twentieth-century graphic artist who left his mark on the world of French publishing. His work for book clubs in the aftermath ... |
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| Carlsson, Benke; Louie, Hop: Street Art Cookbook - 2nd ed. 2024 The complete DIY bible of street art is back in print by popular demand. |
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Bieler, Charly: HR Giger: Die frühren Jahre Die Kindheit und Jugendzeit des Alien-Schöpfers HR Giger in Photographien und Dokumenten. |
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| Oldham, Todd; Coffee, Kiera: Girard: Let the Sun In Alexander Girard was a leading figure in mid-century American design, bringing sensational color and pattern to the modernist aesthetic. Organized by discipline, this stunning monograph covers Gir ... |
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| Rohde: You Loved An Image Charlotte Rohde (geb. 1992 in Aachen) ist eine der stilprägenden Gestalterinnen ihrer Generation. Als Künstlerin, Typographin und Autorin untersucht sie, wie Schrift als Schnittstelle zwischen i ... |
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Osgemeos: Endless Story Enter the world of OSGEMEOS, the Brazilian twins driving international graffiti culture. |
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| Die Simpsons: Gelber wird's nicht Zu Matt Groenings 70. Geburtstag und 35 Jahre Simpsons zeigt der schauraum: comic + cartoon in Dortmund eine Ausstellung. Der Ausstellungskatalog enthält umfangreiche Kapitel mit überraschenden ... |
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| Schlusche, Kai Hendrik: Graffiti Expressionism: DARE | Sigi von Koeding in Basel Das Name-Writing der Graffiti-Sprayer als neue Kunst-Stilrichtung. Am Beispiel der bereits früh verstorbenen Basler Graffiti-Legende Sigi DARE von Koeding wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob in den s ... |
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Classified: Local Ads from America s Small Towns "Classified" features over 200 vintage classified ads from the 1970s American south. Both a time-capsule of a bygone era, and a fascinating study of ephemeral graphic design. | |