DeFeo: A Retrospective Jay DeFeo (1929-1989) was part of a vibrant community of avant-garde artists, poets, and musicians in San Francisco during the 1950s and 1960s. This monograph on DeFeo looks at the breadth of the ... |
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| | Patterson: Born in the State of Fluxus One of the founders of the Fluxus movement - an international network of artists, composers and designers noted for blending different artistic media and disciplines in the 1960s - American musici ... |
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Designing 007: Fifty Years of Bond Style The Barbican marks the 50th anniversary of the James Bond franchise, from 1962's Dr No to this year's Skyfall, with a unique exhibition showcasing the inside story of the design and style of the w ... |
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| Intérieurs romantiques Le célèbre collectionneur Eugene V. Thaw a offert sa remarquable collection de quelque quatre-vingt-dix "Vues d'intérieurs romantiques" au Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, New York. Cet e ... |
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| Scully: Change and Horizontals |
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Voigt: Views on Views on Decameron In the book "Views on Views of Decameron" the German artist Jorinde Voigt explores the relationship between text and image, addressing the literary and visual culture of Italy. Her source of inspi ... |
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| Bohemes: Paris 2012 Une exposition sur la fascination des milieux artistiques et littéraires européens pour la vie nomade et les figures mythiques de Bohémiens depuis la Renaissance, sur la bohème artistique et l ... |
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| Zeng Fanzhi New paintings by Chinese artist Zeng Fanzhi, whose aesthetic restlessness epitomizes the evolution of Chinese contemporary art in the post-1989 era, grappling with local history and tradition in t ... |
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Nappelbaum: Portraits of Soviet Intellectual Life |
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| Pozarek: Library of Sculpture 61 Köpfe - vom Gesicht einer Athene über mittelalterliche Büsten bis zu Man Rays Portrait on Marcel Duchamp - zeigt der 1940 geborene Künstler, die seiner Meinung nach auf charakteristische We ... |
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| Plensa: Books, Prints & Multiples Diese überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage des erstmals 2004 erschienenen Werkverzeichnisses der Bücher, druckgraphischen Arbeiten und Multiples aus Papier erscheint anläßlich der Ausstellung ... |
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Vardag: Wiederholen und Ausblenden |
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| Fotografia Festival Internazionale Roma XI |
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Im Schein des Undendlichen Das Prinzip Romantik: Von einer instillbaren Sehnsucht in der zeitgenössischen Kunst - mit Werken von Marina Abramovic, Darren Almond, Elger Esser, James Turrell, Bill Viola u.a. |
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| Gnadenlos: Künstlerinnen und das Komische Ob feine Ironie, absurder Witz oder anarchischer Humor - der Band "Gnadenlos" widmet sich den vielfältigen Erscheinungsformen des Komischen in Werken von Künstlerinnen. Präsentiert werden rund ... |
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| Zwischen Konstruktion und Reduktion: Slg. Hupertz |
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William Klein: ABC This astonishing book, designed and selected by Klein himself, is a visual history of his long and varied career. Including iconic images, painted contact sheets, magazine covers and previously un ... |
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| Petra - Wunder in der Wüste: Bildband |
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| Homer: Weatherbeaten This beautifully illustrated catalogue celebrates Homer's legacy at Prouts Neck, and documents the Portland Museum of Art's six-year conservation project to preserve the Winslow Homer Studio, the ... |
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Streuli: New Street Beat Streuli's work contains close-up images of people, often captured unawares as they negotiate city streets. In the midst of abstract city details, their faces, gestures and looks engage us in ... |
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| Economia: Picasso This book was published within the framework of "Archivo F.X.: On Zero Economy", a project by Pedro G. Romero for the Museu Picasso, based on a commission by the previous director Pepe Serra. |
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| Britain Creates: Fashion & Art Collusion What happens when you invite such luminary fashion designers as Stephen Jones or Hussein Chalayan to collaborate with important contemporary artists such as Cerith Wyn Evans or Gavin Turk and ask ... |
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Grohmann: Im Netzwerk der Moderne Zum 125. Geburtstag des Kunstkritikers, -schriftstellers und -sammlers Will Grohmann wird sein jahrzehntelanges Wirken im Spannungsfeld von Künstlern, Galeristen, Museen und Publikum thematisiert ... |
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| Beuys: Iphigenie "The center (of the exhibition) is occupied by various iconic pieces of the "Iphigenie" subject, gathered by Eva Beuys and Jörg Schellmann in memory of the legendary 1969 Action, "Iphigenie/Titur ... |
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| Fujimoto: Futurospective Architecture * An mehr als 120 Modellen von realisierten Bauten, konzeptionellen Versuchen oder derzeit laufenden Planungen erläutert Sou Fujimoto seine Vorstellung von Architektur. Jedes von ihm selbst fotogra ... |
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