Speight, Bev: Collage Schneiden, kleben und neu zusammensetzen: In diesem Buch finden Sie tolle Ideen für die Gestaltung von Collagen - mit 50 Schritt-für-Schritt-Projekten, die Sie inspirieren werden. |
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| Fratzier: Drawn This is a compendium of Craig Frazier's illustrations for the most prominent publications and businesses in America and abroad. The book presents over 250 illustrations and sketches curated from a ... |
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| Into the Groove: Vinyl-Kult Die Vinyl-Schallplatte wurde schon oft totgesagt. Jetzt erlebt sie im 75. Jahr ihres Bestehens ein grandioses Revival. Es sind nicht nur Technik-Nostalgiker, die ihrem Medium die Treue halten, auc ... |
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Tattoo You: A New Generation of Artists With nearly 700 images, "Tattoo You: A New Generation of Artists" showcases 75 rising stars who are redefining the industry. The first book of its kind, "Tattoo You" features artists curated by a ... |
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| The Ransom Note Sticker Book Over 2000 peel-off letters for your anonymous messages! |
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| McNeil, Paul; Muir, Hamish: System Process Form "System Process Form" is a detailed survey of MuirMcNeil's Two type system, an extensive collection of geometric alphabets in which every stroke, shape, letterform and word is designed to correspo ... |
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Amazing, Ameziane: Quentin Tarantino Wie zur Hölle wurde aus einem geekigen Autodidakten einer der größten Regisseure unserer Zeit? Wie wurde aus einem endlos fluchenden Film-Junkie mit erklärter Vorliebe für Trash ein Mann, des ... |
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| Riechers, Angela: The Elements of Visual Grammar A colour-illustrated introduction to the basic principles of visual language that every content creator and consumer needs to know. |
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| Kopas, Merritt: LAN Party: Inside the Multiplayer Revolution A loving photographic celebration of the energy-drink-fuelled, furniture-rearranging, multiplayer gaming trend and its nocturnal participants. |
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North : Extracts from visual identities The long-awaited monograph of the UK's leading graphic design and branding agency. |
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| Out of the Grid - Italian Zine 1978-2006 "Out of the Grid" presents a critical selection of 100 Italian zines from 1978 to 2006 that display a broad spectrum of social, political, aesthetic, and technological changes in the use of langua ... |
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| Kuck, Roland: Airbrush: Das Standardwerk Das vollständige Wissen zu Airbrush mit vielen Tips & Tricks vom Profi. |
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The Future Is...14 Comics über die Zukunft 14 Comiczeichnerinnen erzählen, wie sie sich die Welt in 100 Jahren vorstellen. |
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| Hegarty on Advertising - rev. edition 2023 If the future is going to be creative, then Hegarty on Advertising points you in the right direction. Written by one of the world's legendary advertising men, this best-selling book contains five ... |
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| Nakahira, Sam: Asawa: An Artist Takes Shape This graphic biography by Sam Nakahira, developed in consultation with Asawa's youngest daughter, Addie Lanier, chronicles the genesis of Asawa as an artist - from the horror of Pearl Harbor to he ... |
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Neurath: Modern Man in the Making Otto Neuraths berühmtes Buch "Modern Man in the Making", erstmals 1939 bei Alfred A. Knopf erschienen, beschreibt den Zustand der Welt in den 1930er Jahren anhand von Text und figurativen Illustr ... |
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| Jefferson: Skate Photography Nearly three decades of skateboarding photography from the sport's foremost documentarian. |
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| HR Giger Kopulierende Biomechanoiden, Angst vor der Atombombe und Dämonen aus den Welten von Lovecraft und Tolkien: Diese umfassende Monographie bringt die düstere Psychedelik und eindringliche Kraft von ... |
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Dowling, Jon: Three Dimensional Type This extraordinary compilation showcases the limitless possibilities of letter forms transformed into three-dimensional objects of art. |
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| I love it. What is it? The internationally renowned design agency Turner Duckworth presents stories and advice gathered from working with the world's biggest brands. |
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| Shaoqiang, wang: Graphics On the Move Stunning motion graphics projects from all over the world with interviews with designers explaining how they develop their projects. |
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ABC: Geschichte & Form der lateinischen Schrift |
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| Ghilardotti, Arianna: TV BOY - Das Buch Das erste Buch über den italienischen Graffiti- und Street Art-Künstler. |
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| Mariano, Margherita: Print Production The result of 35 years of experience in the publishing and printing industry, this bible provides all the information needed by anyone who wants to print and produce any type of document whether a ... |
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Emigre Fonts: Type Specimens 1986-2024 A 1.500-page compendium containing nearly five decades of remarkable print ephemera from a trailblazing digital type foundry. |
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