The Complete Commercial Artist A revelatory, beautifully produced compendium of the influential Japanese commercial design journal, with posters, billboards, shop window displays and more. |
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| Die lieben Nachbarn: Deutschland und Österreich "Der Österreicher unterscheidet sich vom Deutschen durch die gemeinsame Sprache!" (Karl Farkas) |
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| Wetzel, Tanja; Lübbecke, Gwendolin: Imdahl: Dass etwas klar wird Der Kunsthistoriker Max Imdahl unternahm vor rund 50 Jahren ein ungewöhnliches Experiment. Er erklärte sich bereit, mit Arbeitern und Angestellten der Bayer AG Leverkusen über Werke moderner, i ... |
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Eppenberger, Benedikt: Heidi, Hellebarden & Hollywood: Praesens-Film AG Wie aus Praesens-Film die einzige Schweizer Filmgesellschaft mit Weltgeltung wurde. |
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| Toh, Vivian; Lim, Jay: Riso Art A practical guide to Risograph printing for anyone who wants to broaden their printing horizons and be inspired by the wide variety of possibilities offered by this relatively easy-to-use and fasc ... |
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| Koop, Andreas: DDR CI Der renommierte Designforscher Andreas Koop ("NSCI") analysiert die Stilmittel der visuellen Identität der DDR und rekonstruiert gewissermaßen das Manual des Arbeiter- und Bauern-Staates: Vom Wa ... |
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Weigele, Stefanie: Copperplate Calligraphy An insight about essential writing techniques, tools and materials as well as important dos and don'ts when delving into calligraphy. |
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| Mattioli: Celestino Piatti: dtv Sonderreihe 1966-1979 |
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| Russian Criminal Tattoo Archive Large in scale and ambitious in depth, this archive compiles highlights of previously unseen work from the unique "Russian Criminal Tattoo" books. |
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Smolen, Josef: Fritzi Löw und die Buchkunst in Wien um 1900 Im Mittelpunkt steht die Persönlichkeit von Fritzi Löw und ihre Arbeit als hervorragende Illustratorin. Geprägt von den Größen der Jugendstilzeit, die ihre Lehrer und Kolleginnen und Kollegen ... |
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| Felinity: Cat Illustrations A visual homage to the enchanting world of felines. |
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| Lord K2: Tokyo graffiti Le graffeur Lord K2 vous entraîne dans une visite guidée de Tokyo pour vous faire decouvrir les secrets les mieux gardés de la scène urbaine nippone, et, à travers eux, les oeuvres d'artistes ... |
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Why doesn't anyone ever tell me anything? More and more designers are studying type design. There are also more courses to specialise in type design compared to 30 years ago, especially outside Europe. However, the time available during s ... |
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| Ka, Olivier; Alline, Christophe: Des papillons dans la nuit Un enfant narrateur emmène le jeune lecteur dans le secret de ses nuits, à la rencontre de ses pensées et de ses rêves. Un texte poétique et musical qui évoque la puissance de l'imaginaire, ... |
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| Sadak: Street Signs in India Since the 1990s, hand-painted signs in India - one of the defining elements of the country's urban landscape - have been largely replaced by more technologically advanced media. Today, they surviv ... |
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Han: Image RIP "Image RIP", the first publication from Source Type, is centered around New York graphic designer Geoff Han's investigation into the Shenzen-based printer Artron and explores subjects ranging from ... |
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| Queer Graphics From the 1950s on, LGBTQI+ communities in Brussels have developed a visual language ensuring a certain visibility for their members and their activities. This visual grammar translates and communi ... |
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| Munari: the artist As a designer, artist, pedagogue, graphic designer, Bruno Munari is renowned for having helped to foster the permeability of the frontiers between artistic languages which during Modernism were re ... |
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Allison: The Light of the Beast "The Light of the Beast" is the culmination of six years of work documenting migrants traveling from Central America, through Mexico and into the United States as a final destination. Since 2007, ... |
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| Freight Train Graffiti - 2nd epanded edition 2023 "Freight Train Graffiti", a 2023 version of the acclaimed 2006 book by Roger Gastman, Darin Rowland and Ian Sattler. Featuring 500+ additional images, larger trim size and updated hardcover, it se ... |
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| Molesso, Ashley; Needham, Chess: The Big Book of Queer Stickers Celebrate queer pride with this deluxe LGBTQIA+ sticker book from artists Ash + Chess. |
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Mattanza, Alessandra: New Street Artists Topaktueller Überblick über die internationale Street Art Szene und ihre neuen Stars. 24 Künstler:innen, deren Namen man sich merken sollte - Newcomer:innen in der Szene von Adelaide bis Paris, ... |
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| New Aesthetic 1: Independent Type Design "New Aesthetic" delves into the enigmatic realms of creative expression, uniting a collective of typographers, artists, and designers, each contributing their distinctive approach to typography. N ... |
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| Verhaeghe, Stijn; Proost, Bart: Friedrich: Der Maler der Stille Nach ihrem Erfolg "Kaspar Hauser - Im Auge des Sturms" legen die beiden belgischen Comicautoren Bart Proost und Stijn Verhaeghe nun die Graphic Novel "Caspar David Friedrich - Der Maler der Stille ... |
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