An Indigenous Present A monumental gathering of more than 60 Native North American contemporary artists, photographers, musicians, choreographers, architects, designers, writers and more, showcasing diverse approaches ... |
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| Shared Passion: Vandenkerckhove Collection This book documents and celebrates the patience and perseverance of, and the friendship between, the Belgian collector Michel Vandenkerckhove and the Belgian art dealer and gallerist Didier Claes, ... |
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| Berlo, Janet Catherine: Not Native American Art The faking of Native American art objects has proliferated as their commercial value has increased, but even a century ago experts were warning that the faking of objects ranging from catlinite pi ... |
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Vinson, Glenn: The Vinson Collection of Indonesian Textiles This collection of Indonesian textiles and some related Indian textiles that were popular and influential in Indonesian usage and design came together in a series of collecting periods spanning ne ... |
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| Asian Glass: Corning Museum A presentation of more than 50 objects from the Museum's permanent collection. The objects featured in this publication span almost 2.500 years and are associated with glassmaking traditions acros ... |
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| Das Papageienbuch Die einzige Sammlung aller 70 Erzählungen nach der jeweils bestverbürgten Fassung. |
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Lee, De-nin D.; Hutton, Deborah: The History of Asian Art: A Global View A highly illustrated history of the diverse visual art produced across East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, written by two specialist art historians. |
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| Double Bind postkolonial Theoretische Grundlagen und alternative Handlungsmöglichkeiten für explizit postkolonial informierte Praxen in Kunst und Kultureller Bildung. |
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| Freger, Charles: AAM AASTHA: Indian Devotions A festival of Indian folk rituals and costumes bursting with colour, captured by renowned photographer Charles Fréger, the creator of a distinctive and powerful new genre of portrait photography. |
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Broug, Eric: Architektur des Islam Die vollständige Geschichte islamischer Baukunst über 1.400 Jahre und fünf Kontinente hinweg - in einem prächtigen Bildband, üppig illustriert, fundiert erklärt. |
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| Masks of Bali This book is an illustrated compendium of Balinese masks from the 16th to 20th century sourced from great museum, institutional, private and temple collections with extensive captions and suppleme ... |
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| Le Japon en couleurs Une sélection de photographies conservées au Musée des arts décoratifs de Paris, appartenant au genre des Yokohama shashin, des clichés produits au Japon de 1860 jusqu'au début du XXe siècl ... |
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Broug, Eric: Islamic Architecture A richly informative and visually packed sourcebook demonstrating and explaining the function and worldwide appeal of Islamic architecture. |
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| Zemanek, David: Schick Collection The Schick Collection consist of high quality Art from China, mainland South-East Asia (especially Khmer), Indonesian art from Borneo, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, Bali, Timor, and the Moluccas. Papua ... |
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| Poster Collection 35: Contemporary Iran Einblicke in eine wenig bekannte Designtradition. |
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Green, Alexandra: Southeast Asia: A History in Objects A new take on Southeast Asia's complex history, expertly told through art objects and cultural artefacts from the collection of the British Museum London dating from the Neolithic Age to the prese ... |
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| Schlösser. Preußen. Kolonial Die Spuren des Kolonialismus in den Schlössern in Berlin und Brandenburg sind unübersehbar. Dieses Handbuch stellt 24 Orte, Biographien und Kunstwerke vor, die koloniale Bezüge aufweisen. Kunst ... |
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| Senghor et les arts Ce catalogue réunit des essais, des textes d'archives, des interviews, des photographies inédites et des reproductions d'oeuvres d'art qui ont accompagné la vie et l'oeuvre de Léopold Sédar S ... |
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Moche: 1000 Jahre vor den Inka Die Moche-Kultur existierte etwa von 100-800 n.Chr. und erlebte um das Jahr 500 ihre Hochblüte. Die Moche waren hoch entwickelte Kunsthandwerker: Ihre Töpfer schufen meisterhafte Figurengefäße ... |
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| Uzbekistan: Masterpieces of the Silk Road "Masterpieces of the Silk Road" displays the ultimate collection of archaeological finds from across Uzbekistan, whose location along the Great Silk Road brought together Mediterranean, Chinese, P ... |
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| Roche, Sophie: Konfliktforschung in der Ethnologie In diesem Buch werden die Grundlagenstudien der sozialanthropologischen Konfliktforschung vorgestellt, die Begrifflichkeiten geschärft und in Beispiele aus aktuellen Asylverfahren eingebettet. |
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Kaddor, Lamya; Müller, Rabeya: Der Islam für Kinder und Erwachsene Den Islam verstehen - eine genial illustrierte Einführung für Kinder und Erwachsene. |
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| Contemporary Arab Ceramics Nearly 40 artists from across the Arab World collaborate to create a unique body of ceramic artworks. |
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| Rider, Ethan: 100 African Blades from 55 Collections II Featuring a new group of masterworks from public and private collections, an important exposé on inauthentic blades, and unique data from field testing of twenty-five throwing knives. Showcasing ... |
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Hejzlarova, Tereza; Atanova, Snejanna: Central Asian Textiles This book brings together outstanding textiles from the Neville Kingston Collection, featuring many previously unpublished pieces. |
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| Krahl, Regina: Early Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain The Mingzhitang Collection of Sir Joseph Hotung is one of the finest collections in the world to capture the essence of early Chinese blue-and-white porcelain. |
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