Calatrava: Drawing, Building, Reflecting A personal reflection on the nature of the architectural imagination, from one of the great architects of our day. |
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| Zukowsky, John: Architecture Inside + Out Go behind the façades and finishes to understand how fifty of the world's most iconic and important buildings were constructed. |
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| Close-up: Ruch & Partner Architekten 1994-2018 Eine repräsentative Auswahl der Werke von Ruch & Partner Architekten, die mit ihren Interventionen in historischen Engadiner Häusern bekannt wurden. |
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Close-up: Ruch & Partner Architects 1994-2018 The definitive monograph on the work of Ruch & Partner Architects, whose restorations of and contemporary interventions in historic houses in the Engadine have gained much international recognition. |
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| Paul, Stella: Red: Architecture in Monochrome Through stunning photography with informative text, you can explore more than 150 of the most striking buildings in existence - from the deep-red and stainless steel of LA's Petersen Automotive Mu ... |
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| California Crazy Diner in Form eines Schweins, riesige Donuts, Sixpacks und Kaffeetassen als Imbissbuden, als Dinosaurier oder Riesensombrero getarnte Restaurants und Tankstellen in Form von Flugzeugen oder fliege ... |
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Friesike, Sascha: It's a Gas! Here you'll find the fragrances of fuel and endless freedom in the air: "It's a Gas!" is going in search of the most unique gas stations around the world. |
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| Die Gärten von La Gara Zeitgenössische und historische Landschaftsgestaltung auf einem prächtigen Landgut aus dem 18. Jahrhundert bei Genf. |
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| Musgrave, Toby: The Gardener's Garden - Midi Format The inspirational resource for garden designers and garden-lovers - now available in a compelling compact format: A collection of gardens from every continent - selected by an international panel ... |
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Bowkett, Steve: Archidoodle City A fun book to help you develop and explore your own architectural ideas. |
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| Adjaye: Living Spaces A collection of nine contemporary houses designed by one of the most influential and exciting architects of his generation. |
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| Botta: Leading Architects of the World |
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Jodidio, Philip: Portzamparc Buildings At the pinnacle of his profession and powers, Christian de Portzamparc is a shinging star in the firmament of high design. |
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| Habitat: Vernacular Architecture for a Changing Planet A landmark publication that celebrates humanity's age-old ability to create buildings that are ingeniously adapted to their cultural and environmental conditions, providing enduring lessons for li ... |
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| Plywood: A Material Story A comprehensive history of plywood, from its use in 18th-century furniture to its popularity in the digital age. |
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Yudina, Anna: Garden City A spectacular global survey of the buildings "greening'"the world's cities, whose conception and realization bring architecture and horticulture into a sustainable whole. |
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| Boyer, M. Christine: Smithson: Not Quite Architecture An exploration of published and unpublished writings of Alison and Peter Smithson, considering them in the context of the debates and discourses of postwar architecture. |
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| Ryan, Brent D.: The Largest Art Why urban design is larger than architecture: the foundational qualities of urban design, examples and practitioners |
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Tatarella, Francesca: Labyrinths & Mazes Features more than fifty labyrinths and mazes, with stunning photographs. |
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| Le Corbusier: Poesie sur Alger "Poésie sur Alger", 1942 geschrieben und 1950 erstmals veröffentlicht, ist eine selbstironische Auseinandersetzung Le Corbusiers mit 13 ergebnislos investierten, arbeitsreichen Jahren, in denen ... |
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| Fox, Michael: Interactive Architecture "Interactive Architecture: Adaptive World" illustrates how structures can process information, make observations, and utilize tools to translate natural systems and create seamlessly integrated en ... |
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Architektur in Österreich im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert - Neuaufl. Die erweiterte und aktualisierte Neuausgabe des Referenzwerks zu 150 Jahren österreichischer Architektur. |
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