Parr: Kleingärtner Mit "Kleingärtner" schuf Martin Parr eine neue Serie, die er in fünf Gartenbauvereinen in Düsseldorf und Krefeld realisierte. Hier traf er auf den gerade mal 15jährigen Mathis, der den Garten ... |
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| Apollo's Muse This fascinating view of lunar imagery explores visual representations of the moon from the dawn of photography to the present. |
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| Goldblatt: The Last Interview Accompanied by some of his lesser-known photographs, this distilled dialogue is drawn directly from the recordings of a roving conversation with David Goldblatt three months before his death in Ju ... |
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Long Light: Photographs by David Lebe |
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| Brandt: This Empty World Working in colour for the first time, Nick Brandt's latest projects uses complex composition and dramatically cinematic staging to highlight environmental degradation in the world and its effect o ... |
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| Larsson: Berlin Berlin Ein historisches Dokument von besonderer Bedeutung ist das große Photo-Portrait von Berlin, das der schwedische Photograph Bernard Larsson (geboren 1939) im Zeitraum von 1961 bis 1964 erstellte, ... |
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The Freedom Within Us Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, what do we know about East-German photography? Resulting from several years of research led by Sonia Voss in Berlin and several other cities of form ... |
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| Aperture 237: Spirituality / Tillmans |
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| Edgerton: Seeing the Unseen Harold Edgerton was an engineer, educator, explorer, entrepreneur, as well as a revolutionary photographer-in the words of his former student and Life photographer Gjon Mili, "an American original ... |
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Böcker, Karl: Die Ratinger Straße |
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| Swiatkowski: Chasing Dreams |
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| Hütte: Imperial - Majestic - Magical* Hütte ranks among the leading protagonists of contemporary landscape photography; since the late 1970s, he has made a substantial contribution to the self-assured standing of photography in visua ... |
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Haydn Smith, Ian: The Short Story of Photography 50 Schlüsselwerke der Photographie: von den ersten Experimenten bis zur Digitalphotographie. |
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| McGinley: Mirror Mirror Ryan McGinley, one of the most important photographers of his generation, asks his friends and colleagues to take the camera into their own hands. Following instructions given to them by the artis ... |
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| Weiss, Marta: Making It Up: Photographic Fictions Presenting work from the earliest through the most contemporary of photographers, "Making It Up" challenges the idea that "the camera never lies" - staged photography. The V&A Photography Library ... |
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As It Was: Frank Habicht's Sixties Frank Habichts ikonische Schwarzweiß-Photographien spiegeln den Zeitgeist der Swinging Sixties in London wider: Nach den konservativen Nachkriegsjahren folgte eine Zeit des Aufbruchs, die junge G ... |
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| Doisneau: Music Previously unpublished photographs and iconic portraits of musicians from the 1950s through the 1980s offer a new perspective on Doisneau's remarkable talent. |
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| Carroll, Henry: Photographers on Photography |
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The Photographer in the Garden From famous locations to the simplest vegetable gardens, from worlds imagined by artists to vintage family snapshots, "The Photographer in the Garden" traces the garden's rich history in photograp ... |
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| Orlando: Photography Orlando Suero (geboren 1925) begann seine Karriere u.a. im Compo Photo Color, wo er die ersten Aufnahmen für Edward Steichens monumentale Ausstellung "The Family of Man" entwickelte. Für einen s ... |
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| Geary, Christraud M.: Postcards from Africa A close look at photographic postcards made in Africa in the first decades of the twentieth century reveals surprising images and tells their often-complicated stories. |
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Elgort: Jazz Fashion photographer Arthur Elgort has loved jazz since he was nine years old, when a childhood friend introduced him to the music; he soon found himself frequenting jazz clubs all over his native ... |
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| Saxgren: Ultima Thule In der Geschichte steht Ultima Thule für einen mythischen Ort: den nördlichsten Punkt vor dem Ende der Welt. Seit über 200 Jahren fühlen sich Künstler, Schriftsteller, Wissenschaftler und Abe ... |
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| Holdsworth: Vallée de Joux Was ist Zeit? Eine photographische Untersuchung im Vallée de Joux, einem Hochtal im Schweizer Jura. |
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Holdsworth: Mapping the Limits of Space Die Welt im Wandel. Welchen Einfluß der Mensch auf den Klimawandel hat, zeigt sich in frappierender Form in Holdsworth' Arbeiten der letzten 20 Jahre. |
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| Pardo, Alona: Another Kind of Life At a time when individual rights are being contested and when those on the fringes of society feel deeply threatened, this powerful photographic compilation delivers a message of humanity and incl ... |
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| Hassink: Unwired Auf ins Funkloch! Auch in unserer digitalen Welt gibt es noch weiße Flecken. Jacqueline Hassink hat sie besucht - und photographiert. |
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Loomis: Backstage Hinter den Kulissen der Laufstege der Welt: Just Loomis' Ode an die weibliche Schönheit. |
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| The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Photography - paperback The definitive reference to photography, with more than 1,200 entries and 300 photographs, now available in paperback. |
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| Schmidt: Waffenruhe - dt. - Neuauflage 2018 Im Gegensatz zu seinen bewußt nüchternen, aber nicht distanzierten Aufnahmen seiner früheren Serien, zeichnet Schmidt in "Waffenruhe" mit atmosphärisch verdichteten, ausschnitthaften und kontr ... |
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