Views of Japan: Katz & Huyck Collection Most collectors have their own unique attractions and approaches to the objects of their collecting. This volume features the adventures of Gloria Katz and Willard Huyck, two renowned filmmakers w ... |
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| Die große Geschichte der Photographie I: 1840-1920 Das Museum of Modern Art in New York besitzt eine der weltweit größten Photosammlungen. Um diese reichen Bestände auch einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen, hat es sich ein ehr ... |
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| Wegman: Menschen wie wir "Menschen wie wir", in Zusammenarbeit mit dem renommierten Photohistoriker William A. Ewing entstanden, ist mit über 300 Photographien aus den letzten vier Jahrzehnten die bisher umfangreichste A ... |
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Das Polaroid Projekt Polaroid ist magisch. Innerhalb von Minuten und wie von Zauberhand erscheint das gerade gemachte Photo. Wie Künstler sich diese Technik aneigneten, wie sie mit ihr experimentierten und neue Wege ... |
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| Extra! Weegee Kein anderer Photograph hat die Sensationen, Skandale und Katastrophen der 1930er und 1940er Jahre von New York City mit seiner Kamera so mitreißend eingefangen wie Weegee. Stets war er unmittelb ... |
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| Berndt, Jerry: Beautiful America. Jerry Berndt documented the period between 1968 and 1980 in America like no other photographer. Personally involved in the anti-Vietnam War activities of the 1960s, Berndt's work combines photojou ... |
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Sugimoto: Portraits The eeriness of the copy: Sugimoto's portraits of wax figures. |
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| Carroll, Henry: Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs of Places From the author of the best-selling "Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs" series, this jargon-free introduction covers all aspects of photographing places, including landscapes, citysc ... |
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| Rolston: Hollywood Royale |
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Singh: Modernism on the Ganges Raghubir Singh (1942-1999) was a pioneer of colour street photography who worked and published prolifically from the late 1960s until his death in 1999 at age 56. The book showcases 90 of his phot ... |
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| Magnum Manifesto (engl., Mängelex.) The official publication celebrating Megnum Photos' 70th anniversary: a totally fresh and perceptive view of the legendary agency's history and archive. |
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| Howe, Graham; Warren, Beth Gates: Weston: Portrait |
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Women House Two notions intersect in the "Women House" exhibition: a gender (female) and a space (the domestic sphere). |
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| Shore: Solving Pictures - MoMA 2017 A complete retrospective of one of the most significant photographers of our time, including over 50 images published here for the very first time. |
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| Weinberger: Swiss Rebels Karlheinz Weinbergers Job in einer Siemens-Lagerhalle mag zwar eher eintönig gewesen sein, seine Photographien aber, die er in seiner Freizeit machte, sind alles andere als angepaßt. Denn seine ... |
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Izu: Eternal Light In Varanasi, known as the Indian "City of Light," Izu photographed festivals, rituals, cremations as well as individual experiences of joy and suffering related to death and the afterlife. In Alla ... |
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| Kosorukov: Heroes of Labour In 1935 Alexej Stakhanov , a Russian jackhammer operator, was the first worker who was elevated to worldwide fame for his performance at work as his pictures appeared on the cover of Time Magazine ... |
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| Renshaw, Amanda; Gusov, Sasha: People Like Us An affectionate, uplifting, tongue-in-cheek photographic guide to the human race. |
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Ewing, William A.: Wegman: Being Human |
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| Parr: Remote Scottish Postboxes (postcards) |
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Rogers, Fiona, Houghton, Max: Firecrackers: Female Photographers Now A vivid showcase of work by the world's leading contemporary female documentary photographers. The images encompass an eclectic variety of styles, techniques, and locations--from German Alma Has ... |
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| Doisneau: The Vogue Years From high-society balls and fashion shoots to portraits of artists and scenes from urban life in France, this handsome volume - which features an open spine binding so that it lays flat to show of ... |
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| Archiv Peter Piller: Von Erde schöner |
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Sanguinetti: Le Gendarme Sur La Colline A new album of photographs of France at a time of social change by Magnum member Alessandra Sanguinetti. |
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| | Westerbeck, Colin; Meyerowitz, Joel: Bystander - updat. ed. Hailed as a landmark work when it was first published in 1994, Bystander is widely regarded by street photographers as the "bible" of street photography. It covers an incredible array of talent, f ... |
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Atget: Postcards of a Lost Paris Glimpses of the tradespeople of old Paris through the eyes of its preeminent photographer. |
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| Nicholas Nixon - engl. Dieses Buch erscheint als Begleitband zu einer umfassenden Retrospektive mit ungefähr 200 Photographien von Nicholas Nixon (geboren 1947 in Detroit), der eines der kraftvollsten und persönlichst ... |
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| Hernandez: Forever The work of renowned photographer Anthony Hernandez is distinguished by its formal beauty and subtle consideration of social issues. "Forever" comprises photographs made in the downtown area of Lo ... |
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